EZEKIEL CHAPTER 16 Under the similitude of a helpless exposed infant
is represented the original state of Jerusalem, EZEKIEL 16:1; whom God
is described to have bred up, married, and treated with kind
indulgence, EZEKIEL 16:6. Her unnatural whoredoms, EZEKIEL 16:15. God
threateneth her with severe j... [ Continue Reading ]
Declare to them that are with thee, and to them that are at Jerusalem,
to these declare by letter, to those by word of mouth, what state
theirs was in their infancy what I did for them, for the whole nation
of the Jews, for so I take Jerusalem here to signify. Make them know:
it was not in his power... [ Continue Reading ]
The proud and blinded Jews thought their original more pure than that
of the heathen; this was an old tradition among them, now that the
prophet is to acquaint them with the truth of their polluted original,
which they will storm and fret at, he comes thus prefacing his
discourse with a Divine commi... [ Continue Reading ]
IN THE DAY THOU WAST BORN; either in the day I called Abraham to leave
his idolatry; or when in Egypt you began to multiply into a nation; or
when you were brought out of Egyptian bondage. Or whether you fix any
other time, it was a helpless and miserable state they were in. THY
NAVEL WAS NOT CUT: a... [ Continue Reading ]
A confirmation of what was said EZEKIEL 16:4; no hand helped, because
no eye pitied them; neither Terah's family to Abraham, nor the
Egyptians to sojourning or departing Israel, showed any bowels of pity
to help. TO DO ANY OF THESE: though all those particulars toward an
infant had not been done, if... [ Continue Reading ]
After the manner of man God here speaks, alluding to some traveller or
walker abroad, like Pharaoh's daughter, or the good Samaritan that
lighted on this poor forlorn infant. SAW THEE, in such manner as to
pity and consider how to relieve. To Omniscience every thing is seen,
but here compassion is i... [ Continue Reading ]
The Lord, who chose Abraham and his seed; by his blessing this people
were increased as by millions. How inconsiderable is a clan of
seventy-five persons! So many went with Jacob into Egypt, where in two
hundred and fifty years they grew to six hundred and three thousand
five hundred and fifty, besi... [ Continue Reading ]
WHEN I PASSED BY THEE: see EZEKIEL 16:6, of the phrase. This second
passing by may well be understood of God's visiting them and calling
them out of Egypt. LOOKED UPON THEE: see the phrase EZEKIEL 16:6. THY
TIME WAS THE TIME OF LOVE; the time of thy misery was the time of love
and pity in me towards... [ Continue Reading ]
THEN, Heb. _And_: this continueth the allegory, and declareth what
more was done to prepare this virgin for advancement by this marriage
covenant. WASHED I THEE: it was a very ancient custom among those
Eastern people, as appears RUTH 3:3 ES 2 12, to purify virgins who
were to be espoused ere long;... [ Continue Reading ]
So miserably poor was this creature, that she had not clothes to her
back; he gave them who married her. BROIDERED WORK; rich and beautiful
needle-work of divers colours, much above the state of an abject
infant, and suited to the bounty and riches of him who gave them.
BADGERS SKIN; those Eastern p... [ Continue Reading ]
If the inventory of this virgin's goods given to her were hitherto of
such things as were needful for her comfort, now follows a particular
of what served for state and magnificence, as the phrase JOB 40:10: it
also expresseth the bravery of a bridegroom, ISAIAH 61:10; the
curiosity and exactness wh... [ Continue Reading ]
A JEWEL; it was many times of silver, but most commonly of gold, and
was of circular figure, hanging by a string fastened above the
forehead in such a manner that it lay or rested on the nose, much
esteemed among the Eastern people, though of no account with us.
EARRINGS; golden ornaments hanging in... [ Continue Reading ]
The prophet sums up all again, partly to aver the truth thereof,
partly to bring it to her remembrance, and partly to affect her with
thankfulness for what she had received, and with shame for what she
had done. THOU DIDST EAT FINE FLOUR; it was the constant course of thy
diet, to be provided thus w... [ Continue Reading ]
THY RENOWN; thy name was great and honoured. AMONG THE HEATHEN; not
only next neighbours, but the uttermost ends of the earth, as it is
said of the queen of Sheba, heard thereof. FOR THY BEAUTY; the
excellent order of thy government, prosperity of thy country, riches
of thy merchants, and abundance... [ Continue Reading ]
Hear, O heavens, and be astonished at the complaint God doth make
against this unthankful, forgetful, and perfidious woman! THOU DIDST
TRUST; grew proud, laid aside humility, which became one raised from a
most abject state, cast off the modesty, chastity, and fidelity which
became a wife. THINE OWN... [ Continue Reading ]
OF THY GARMENTS; hers they were for use, by gift of God, but she
looked on them as hers, without respect to either the giver or use
intended. Those costly, royal robes, the very wedding clothes and
furniture, THOU DIDST TAKE; as an adulteress that parts with the rich
gifts of her husband to oblige a... [ Continue Reading ]
THY FAIR JEWELS; she forgot the property was in God, she reckoned them
her own. The word in Hebrew is of larger extent, and includes vessels,
instruments, furniture of all sorts, with which, she was abundantly
stored, even from their departure out of Egypt, when they spoiled the
Egyptians, EXODUS 11... [ Continue Reading ]
THY BROIDERED GARMENTS, mentioned EZEKIEL 16:10, given by him who
espoused this woman. Coveredst them; didst clothe the adulterers with
whom thou didst commit lewdness, or didst clothe the images which thou
hadst made, as was the custom of idolaters to suit clothing to their
idols. MINE OIL; either... [ Continue Reading ]
MY MEAT ALSO; the bread, all that was necessary and proper for thy
sustentation in general, which I gave thee, thou hast fed thy
paramours withal. FINE FLOUR, & c: here are particularly recounted the
things God gave, and this adulteress misemployed, both literally and
mystically; for I doubt not the... [ Continue Reading ]
THY SONS; they were hers by birth, and should have been hers in
affection, care, and preservation; but as idolatry is from the father
of lies, the old murderer, it is even cruel, and spares neither sons
or daughters. _Sons_, that are usually the father's darlings, are
always the strength and glory o... [ Continue Reading ]
Thy blind superstition called this religion, and accounted it
sacrifice, but truth is it was unnatural murder; it is as if thou
hadst cut their throat, nay, worse, because it put them to greater
torture. The word is used ISAIAH 57:5 HOSEA 5:2. MY CHILDREN; sons
here are first-born, which peculiarly... [ Continue Reading ]
Thou wast so intent upon and delighted in thy lewd courses, thou never
thoughtest what once thou wast, or what again thou mightest be. IN ALL
THINE ABOMINATIONS, both corporal and spiritual. THY WHOREDOMS: this
is the same thing charged thus on her, because she would not consider,
or lay it to heart... [ Continue Reading ]
IT CAME TO PASS; it shall come to pass; so the Hebrew may be read, and
then this verse will be a dreadful threat of misery to come upon the
Jews for all their wickednesses; when they have filled up the measure
of their sins, God will fill them with his judgments, and bring one
woe after another upon... [ Continue Reading ]
HAST ALSO BUILT, with great charge and pains, as those do. who build,
hereby declaring thy purposes of continuing thy lewdness. UNTO THEE;
for thyself, grown so prodigiously public, and followed with such
numbers, and such great ones, that no common place was thought great
enough, or stately enough.... [ Continue Reading ]
Not content with what was done in the city, she built her idol temples
and shows in the country, in places where many ways or roads met,
wheresoever it was likely passengers would come. HAST MADE THY BEAUTY
TO BE ABHORRED, as the beauty of a shameless whore is abhorred by them
to whom she offers her... [ Continue Reading ]
COMMITTED FORNICATION; both figuratively and literally understood;
worshipped Egypt's gods, made covenants with them, kept up a commerce
of trade with them, and prostituted themselves to their lusts too, by
cohabitation, while the servitude lasted, and by nearness of place,
when in Canaan. The Jewis... [ Continue Reading ]
BEHOLD; open thine eyes, thou secure and foolish adulteress, see what
hath been done against thee, and consider it is for thy lewdness. I
HAVE STRETCHED OUT MY HAND; I have chastised and punished already in
some measure. OVER THEE; it may be read, against thee. In like phrase
ISAIAH 5:25, ISAIAH 9:1... [ Continue Reading ]
THOU HAST courted their friendship and alliance, and to obtain it hast
entertained their religion, manners, and impieties, been all
idolatress with them, and committed adulteries with them, though they
were far from thee. When thou didst wickedly with thy neighbours, it
might admit some little colou... [ Continue Reading ]
MULTIPLIED; both increased the number of thy idolatries, and made them
greater, in that thou hast adopted the idols of Canaan, and all that
between them and the Chaldeans are owned or worshipped. IN THE LAND;
the Hebrew may be read TOWARDS as well as IN. The idolatry of the Jews
worshipping Canaan's... [ Continue Reading ]
WEAK; unstable, like water that melts away. Neither hast strength of
judgment to discern the truth and purity of religion, nor hast
strength of resolution to hold fast to it. DOEST ALL THESE THINGS;
changest thy God and religion, or detest on all the gaudy, pompous
religions and idols thou hearest o... [ Continue Reading ]
THOU BUILDEST; see EZEKIEL 16:24; whereas the paramours of other lewd
women build for them, as it is reported of Solomon, 1 KINGS 11:7,8.
Here, on the contrary, this unfaithful nation forsake their God,
commit fornication with strange gods, and bear the charges both of
building their temples, and fu... [ Continue Reading ]
Here begins the antithesis. A wife, adulteress, such as the prophet
compareth this nation to, which hath a most rich, bountiful, and kind
husband, she differs from common harlots in this point, she hunts not
rewards, but forbidden pleasures.... [ Continue Reading ]
THEY, unclean fornicators and adulterers, GIVE GIFTS; the word is of a
restrictive sense, speaks not any kind of gifts in general, but
peculiarly such gifts as are presented by a wooer, or espouser of a
woman, with which she is enriched and adorned; and may perhaps imply
the arts, pretences, and arg... [ Continue Reading ]
That which subverts the order of nature, is contrary to the innate
modesty of thy sex. Thou followest them, treatest, importunest,
promisest, payest, and caressest them. Thus, as a shameless
adulteress, Israel had carried it toward her God, who espoused,
enriched, beautified, and delighted in her; b... [ Continue Reading ]
Her indictment and notoriety of all the charge against her we have
heard; her crimes she was guilty of, with the aggravations of them;
now follows sentence of condemnation against her. HEAR THE WORD of
just condemnation which thou must submit to, though thou refusedst the
word of counsel and precept... [ Continue Reading ]
THUS SAITH THE LORD GOD: this august title is a preface to give weight
to the sentence, and to affect her heart with fear. THY FILTHINESS; it
might be rendered money, with which she hired and bribed her lovers,
which she spent upon Baal, as HOSEA 2:8. Her sorcery, with which she
bewitched and enchan... [ Continue Reading ]
BEHOLD: God calls her to consider what heavy judgment he pronounceth
and will execute. GATHER whole herds and droves, for the word implieth
such a gathering together. ALL THY LOVERS; Chaldeans, Assyrians,
Egyptians. Pleasure; unlawful pleasures of body, commerce, and
idolatrous feasts in their idola... [ Continue Reading ]
AND I, who am thy Lord and Husband, whose authority and kindness thou
hast so contemned and abused, WILL JUDGE THEE; both condemn thee to
suffer what thou deservest, and execute what thou art condemned to; AS
WOMEN THAT BREAK WEDLOCK, who were sometimes strangled, sometimes
stoned, sometimes burnt,... [ Continue Reading ]
This particularly describes the manner in which God will do what he
threatens. I WILL GIVE THEE, as a judge delivers the condemned into
the hand of the executioner. Their hand; power and exasperated rage.
THROW DOWN, undermine and utterly ruin, THINE EMINENT PLACE; thy idol
temples, and thy stews: s... [ Continue Reading ]
THEY; the king of Babylon, and his counsellors, and captains. A
COMPANY; an assembled army. You had your assemblies for your idol
worship, and I will have also an assembly, but it shall be of
Chaldeans, HABAKKUK 1:6, and others, to destroy you for your idolatry.
THEY SHALL STONE THEE: the punishment... [ Continue Reading ]
THEY; that company mentioned EZEKIEL 16:40. SHALL BURN THINE HOUSES;
as harlots and idolaters were to be punished; intimating also the
burning Jerusalem, the temple and houses in it, as 2 KINGS 25:9 2
CHRONICLES 36:19. EXECUTE, as God's instruments to do his will, and
also as men that satisfy their... [ Continue Reading ]
It may admit a doubt, whether this be spoken in way of promise and
kindness, or of menace and wrath. This latter seems intended, as if
God said, The jealousy whereto you have provoked me will never cease
till these judgments have utterly destroyed you, and cut you off, as
the anger of an abused husb... [ Continue Reading ]
This verse recapitulates the causes of God's great displeasure against
ME; a mixed passion, in which is grief as well as anger, such as moves
in the heart of a jealous husband, or such as is the passion of one
that is grieved and a... [ Continue Reading ]
THAT USETH PROVERBS; that delights to make parables, and useth to
taunt at the vices of notorious sinners. SHALL USE THIS PROVERB
AGAINST THEE: this might be read with the former phrase, and render us
this sense, Every one that would speak against thee, O Jerusalem, and
tartly upbraid thee, shall us... [ Continue Reading ]
Thou, the nation of the Jews, ART THY MOTHER'S DAUGHTER; as much for
her vicious inclinations, as for thy original derived from her, the
most wicked daughter of as wicked a mother. THAT LOATHETH; that was
weary of the best Husband, that while she doted on abominable
adulterers, did most contemptuous... [ Continue Reading ]
THINE ELDER SISTER, i.e. the greater for power, riches, and numbers of
people, not the elder for years. SAMARIA; metropolis, or mother city,
of the revolted and idolatrous ten tribes. HER DAUGHTERS; lesser
cities of the kingdom of Israel, or the people who dwelt in them. AT
THY LEFT HAND; northward,... [ Continue Reading ]
YET, Heb. _And_. WALKED; lived and behaved thyself as they did, for
they, all things considered, were less sinners than thou. NOR DONE, &
c.; the same in other words; their doings were abominable, but thine
have been worse. THOU, O Jerusalem! wast corrupted more than they; art
deeper dyed in sin. Th... [ Continue Reading ]
AS I LIVE; an oath which God often confirms his word by, and certainly
that may be believed which the God of truth confirms by his own oath.
See this oath explained, EZEKIEL 5:11. HATH NOT DONE; hath not
equalled thy sins, how little soever thou believest this; the
disparity lieth in this, she the l... [ Continue Reading ]
THE INIQUITY; iniquity, either for iniquities, or the fountain and
occasion of all amongst the Sodomites. PRIDE; a haughty mind, swelled
with the excellency, beauty, and grandeur of their state, and vaunting
of it above their neighbours. FULNESS OF BREAD, i.e. luxury, and
riotous excess in eating an... [ Continue Reading ]
HAUGHTY; insufferably arrogant in their deportment towards good men,
they vexed the soul of righteous Lot; and towards the angels, whom
they assaulted in Lot's house; and towards God himself, as both in
this verse, and in GENESIS 13:13. COMMITTED; worked, as if it were
their trade. ABOMINATION; the... [ Continue Reading ]
SAMARIA; the ten tribes, or kingdom of Israel, founded in rebellion
and idolatry. COMMITTED HALF OF THY SINS; a proverbial speech, usual
in comparison to set forth the lesser part, as 1 KINGS 10:7. BUT THOU
HAST MULTIPLIED: this explains the former. MORE; more, or greater, the
Hebrew word signifieth... [ Continue Reading ]
THOU ALSO; Jerusalem, and all the Jews with her. HAST JUDGED; hast
pretended it was wonder a people should sin as Samaria; or hast once
condemned their apesracy, whilst thou stoodest; or hast judged their
punishment just, that they deserved all they suffered. BEAR; shalt
surely be loaded with punish... [ Continue Reading ]
It is disputed whether this be a promise or menace; it is most likely
to be a threat; and if you consider the difference between a temporal
and spiritual restitution, and the difference between an entire and
partial restitution, it will be evident. Sodom and Samaria never were
restored to that state... [ Continue Reading ]
THOU MAYEST; _ thou shalt_, so the Hebrew, as well as _mayest_. SHAME;
punishment for offences is ever reproachful, and some punishments are
more so than others. Such shall the Jews punishments be. CONFOUNDED;
some offenders are hardened to an insensibleness of shame, but God
will make these Jews to... [ Continue Reading ]
This verse is explained in EZEKIEL 16:53, and needs not a repeated
explication; it threatens a perpetual continuance of their low,
abject, and miserable state in their outward concerns.... [ Continue Reading ]
This is the reason why their state should be hopeless as that of
Sodom. The sins of Sodom and her plagues were not minded by thee,
though thou didst worse in thy prosperity, didst not fear like misery,
nor wouldst forbear like sins. Thou shouldst have told thy children
what Sodom did against the Lor... [ Continue Reading ]
The time of her pride, security, and sin was when they were not
afflicted, and despised by the Syrians. THY WICKEDNESS; thy abominable
doings were made known to thyself, to thy friends and enemies too, by
the execution of the severe menaces and sad predictions of my
prophets, who foretold what punis... [ Continue Reading ]
What thou hast done I have imputed to thee; thou wilt not repent,
therefore I account thee guilty, and I have in part punished thee; and
though what I have done seem grievous, yet worse is behind, as EZEKIEL
16:59.... [ Continue Reading ]
This is ushered in with a most solemn and sacred asseveration. I WILL
EVEN DEAL WITH THEE; either thus: Thou hast despised the laws and
privileges of my covenant with thee, and I will despise all thy
pretensions to my favour by virtue of my covenant; it is mutual, and
who breaks it forfeits all bene... [ Continue Reading ]
The Lord having denounced a perpetual punishment to the stubborn,
impenitent body of the Jewish nation, he doth now promise to the
remnant that they shall be remembered and obtain covenanted mercy,
which makes up the last part of the chapter. I WILL REMEMBER: properly
neither remembering nor forgett... [ Continue Reading ]
THEN; when that new covenant, made and confirmed, shall operate and
take effect. REMEMBER; consider and lay to heart, repent of, mourn
for, loathe and abhor, and turn from all thy wicked ways, all thy evil
practices and doings. BE ASHAMED; though whilst thou wast an
adulteress, and false to thy Husb... [ Continue Reading ]
This promise you have EZEKIEL 16:60. MY COVENANT, in distinction from
that is called thy covenant, EZEKIEL 16:61. WITH THEE, O Israel,
first, and then with the Gentiles, as thy children, with all the
genuine children of Abraham, father of the faithful. THOU SHALT KNOW
THAT I AM THE LORD: this short... [ Continue Reading ]
NEVER OPEN THY MOUTH, neither to justify thyself, or to condemn
others, or to quarrel with thy God, but, as a true penitent, be silent
under the judgments sins have deserved, and God hath inflicted, to
draw away from sin, and to brin... [ Continue Reading ]