The prophet sums up all again, partly to aver the truth thereof, partly to bring it to her remembrance, and partly to affect her with thankfulness for what she had received, and with shame for what she had done. Thou didst eat fine flour; it was the constant course of thy diet, to be provided thus with the choicest food, which thou didst not by scanty allowance taste of, but wast filled with: these were royal dainties, as Genesis 49:20. Thou wast exceeding beautiful; such diet, with the additional ornaments, would surely render a perfect beauty, and to such perfection did this espoused virgin grow. Thou didst prosper; all affairs succeeded well, and events added to thy greatness. A kingdom, not only compact in itself, but victorious over others; and so she was a mistress over kingdoms, as in David s, Solomon s, Jehoshaphat s, and Hezekiah's time.

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