Thy sons; they were hers by birth, and should have been hers in affection, care, and preservation; but as idolatry is from the father of lies, the old murderer, it is even cruel, and spares neither sons or daughters. Sons, that are usually the father's darlings, are always the strength and glory of the family, without respect to him that begat them, were by this adulteress designed to please the idol. Thy daughters, usually the mother's great delight, whose tender sex required better usage, unregarded, are by a cruel mother in idolatrous abominations destroyed. Whom thou hast borne unto me; which were mine, born within covenant, before the lewd mother was divorced, born to be of my family, and to serve and love me. And these; these very children of mine, to my dishonour and grief, to provoke me to utmost anger, hast thou destroyed. Sacrificed; not only consecrating them to be priests to dumb idols, dunghill gods, as Ezekiel 20:26 2 Chronicles 33:6; or idolatrously purifying them, called lustration; or, which is most inhumanly cruel, burning them in sacrifice to Molech, which cruelty the Jews themselves did barbarously imitate, 2 Chronicles 28:3. To be devoured; to be consumed to ashes, being made a burnt-offering to the devil, as Psalms 106:37. Is this of thy whoredoms a small matter? were thy whoredoms a small matter with thee, that thou hast proceeded to this height of unnatural cruelty? Or, is both face and heart so hardened by an impudent course of adulteries, that thou canst do this as if it were no great matter? Will spiritual adulteresses as well as bodily thus hunt the precious life? Could such commit the worst who were forbid to commit any murder?

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