When I passed by thee: see Ezekiel 16:6, of the phrase. This second passing by may well be understood of God's visiting them and calling them out of Egypt. Looked upon thee: see the phrase Ezekiel 16:6. Thy time was the time of love; the time of thy misery was the time of love and pity in me towards thee, and the time of thy grown beautified state was the time of my love of delight, when I rejoiced in thee, and espoused thee to be my wife. Thy time, i.e. the season fittest for the discovery of my purposes towards thee, was the time of love, which is expressed in what follows in the verse, I spread my skirt over thee, i.e. betrothed thee, as Ruth 3:9 Deuteronomy 22:30, engaged by marriage to love, cherish, protect, and safeguard. Covered thy nakedness; what was and would be thy reproach my love and bounty covered, I clothed thee with spoils of Egypt, and gave time flocks, with the wool whereof thou mightest clothe thyself. If you take it figuratively, I covered all thy filthiness, and washed it away. I sware unto thee; gave thee the greatest, most inviolable, and solemn assurance of my conjugal love, care, and faithfulness. Entered into a covenant with thee: this was done at Mount Sinai, Exodus 19:5. Saith the Lord God: the truth of all which the Lord doth avow in this form of asseveration. Thou becamest mine; by the obligations of my kindness thou couldst be no less, by thy own voluntary act and consent, by promise and profession, Exodus 19:7,8.

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