It grew; both the king and kingdom. Became a spreading vine; took root, grew up to a tolerable condition of riches, plenty, and prosperity. Of low stature; but never reached the height of the cedar. Nebuchadnezzar, though he made Zedekiah king, yet kept him subject and dependent. Turned; they grew and flourished, while they owned their state tributary to Babylon. Toward him; Nebuchadnezzar, as their protector, benefactor, and sovereign lord. The roots thereof; all the firmness, fruitfulness, and life of this state was in a subjection to the king of Babylon. So; thus, in this order and manner of dependence, both the Jews and their king had life, growth, and verdure. Branches; greater and stronger boughs for present strength, beauty, and fruit. Sprigs; younger and tenderer springles, as children, the hope of future times.

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