EZEKIEL CHAPTER 19 A lamentation for the princes of Israel, under the
parable of lions whelps taken in a pit, EZEKIEL 19:1; and for
Jerusalem, under the parable of a wasted vine, EZEKIEL 19:10.
MOREOVER, Heb. _And_. TAKE UP A LAMENTATION; son of man, Ezekiel,
declare what a lamentable state the prin... [ Continue Reading ]
What resemblance shall I use to set out the nature, deportment, and
state of the mother of these princes? an unhappy mother of unhappy
children! Or, Alas! thy mother, &c. THY; one of these was upon the
throne at once, and therefore the prophet speaks to one at a time, in
the singular number. Mother;... [ Continue Reading ]
See EZEKIEL 19:3. BROUGHT UP; not as a nurse, the word is of other
import, but advanced, promoted, or caused him to take the throne after
the slaughter of Josiah. ONE OF HER WHELPS; this was Jehoahaz, the
second son of Josiah, of whom it is said, 2 KINGS 23:30 2 CHRONICLES
36:1, the people made him... [ Continue Reading ]
The Egyptians heard and considered what he did, they had intelligence
of Jehoahaz's rigours against them, and all that abetted their
interest; this made them (as neighbours do when a lion is reported to
waste their flocks) gather together against him. He was taken in their
pit; or, in their net, as... [ Continue Reading ]
Upon the ill success of Jehoahaz, Jerusalem and the Jews in the land
fell from their hopes under great disappointments, for Jehoahaz is
taken, deposed, carried captive by the Egyptians, instead of shaking
off the Egyptian yoke. She took another; yet it is said, 2 CHRONICLES
36:4 2 KINGS 23:34, that... [ Continue Reading ]
HE, Jehoiakim, WENT UP AND DOWN: it is said of him, because he
continued eleven years on the throne, and so many years, as a lion,
tore and devoured; whereas Jehoahaz was taken as soon almost as he
first ventured out to hunt the prey. AMONG THE LIONS; carried it after
the manners and usages of the h... [ Continue Reading ]
He, JEHOIAKIM, knew their desolate palaces, on view; not only heard of
them, but setting on them violently, and taking them, he came to know
their palaces, which are here called, what he made them, desolate; so
the word ISAIAH 13:22. PALACES; or it may be rendered widows, and then
it will refer to s... [ Continue Reading ]
THE NATIONS which were feudatory to Nebuchadnezzar, and were bound to
assist him in his wars. SET AGAINST HIM; by order of the king of
Babylon gathered together to hunt this lion, to make war on this
revolting king. ON EVERY SIDE; surrounded him that he might not
escape. THE PROVINCES which belonged... [ Continue Reading ]
THEY, the armies of the several nations, or the chief commanders of
those armies, PUT HIM IN WARD, in grates, or a great cage, as wild
beasts are conveyed. IN CHAINS; it is reported they put an iron collar
on his neck, and fastened an iron chain to it. AND BROUGHT HIM; he was
carried that long journ... [ Continue Reading ]
The 10th verse begins the second part of the chapter. THY MOTHER, O
thou prince of Israel: see EZEKIEL 19:2. IS LIKE A VINE; frequently so
compared, PSALMS 80:8,14,15 ISA 3:14 5:2 27:2. IN THY BLOOD; either
when thou wast first born, as EZEKIEL 16:6; or, the royal line, thy
kingly race; or, in the r... [ Continue Reading ]
STRONG RODS; many excellent persons endowed with qualifications
befitting kings, that they might sway the sceptre, and rule the people
with equity. HER STATURE; the grandeur of the kings and kingdom.
EXALTED AMONG THE THICK BRANCHES; exalted above the ordinary majesty
of other kingdoms. THE THICK BR... [ Continue Reading ]
This flourishing vine first degenerated, brought forth fruit to
itself, not to God, and grew proud, abused God's mercies to all manner
of sin. SHE WAS PLUCKED UP IN FURY; was violently, suddenly, and
totally rooted out, tore up by the roots; so was the once flourishing
kingdom of the Jews overthrown... [ Continue Reading ]
AND NOW; at this present time. SHE IS PLANTED; but, alas! how unlike
what she was! a brand pulled out of the burnings, a few of the
branches of the last pruning, or a few smaller roots taken up by the
provident hand of the Lord of the vineyard, a remnant that might be a
nursery, a seedplot; but the... [ Continue Reading ]
This verse gives you account of the immediate cause of this hasty,
furious, total pulling up of this vine. AND FIRE, of rebellion, will
be kindled by a rod of her branches, Zedekiah, who is of the blood
royal, made king by Nebuchadnezzar, and who swore allegiance to him.
HATH DEVOURED HER FRUIT; bro... [ Continue Reading ]