EZEKIEL CHAPTER 2 Ezekiel's commission, Ezekiel 2:1; his instructions, Ezekiel 2:6. The roll of heavy judgments spread before him, Ezekiel 2:9,10. And he that sat upon the throne, Jesus Christ, whose messenger Ezekiel must be to the Jewish captives, now gone into captivity to Babylon. Son of man; a phrase very familiar with Ezekiel in this prophecy, and he useth it for distinction, being now among angels, perhaps to keep him humble, who had such great revelations, which might occasion him to think of himself above what was meet, as prophecy. 2 Corinthians 12:7. Stand upon thy feet; arise, resume thy wonted strength of soul and body, which seem lost by thy fall to the ground. Fear not my coming to punish thee, I come to send thee forth a prophet; arise, therefore, and be as other prophets, ready to receive the Divine oracles, which usually came to prophets standing: and with this command God sent forth a power enabling him to arise and stand. And I will speak unto thee; get thyself into a fit posture and readiness, and I will speak: what that was appears in what followeth, Ezekiel 2:3.

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