Ezekiel 24:1

EZEKIEL CHAPTER 24 By the parable of a boiling pot is showed the destruction of Jerusalem, the bloody city, EZEKIEL 24:1. Ezekiel is forbidden to mourn for the death of his wife, EZEKIEL 24:15, to denote that this calamity of the Jews shall be beyond all expressions of sorrow, EZEKIEL 24:19. In that... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 24:2

WRITE; set it down, and in such manner, with such witness, that it may be proved. _The name of the day_, most punctually, set it down. THE KING OF BABYLON; Nebuchadnezzar, who in person it is like was there at first to encourage, direct, and settle the siege, though he withdrew from it for his delig... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 24:3

UTTER A PARABLE; in somewhat a dark, yet apt similitude, or in an allegory, declare what they should know and consider. REBELLIOUS HOUSE: see EZEKIEL 2:3,6. Set on a pot; set upon the fire a pot, or caldron. SET IT ON; do it quickly, be sure to do it: this _pot_ is Jerusalem. POUR WATER INTO IT; fil... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 24:4

THE PIECES; which are to put into this pot. EVERY GOOD PIECE, i.e. all the chief of the inhabitants of the land, the wealthiest, who in the time of this invasion will flee from their country-houses to live in safety in Jerusalem. The most warlike, who will betake themselves to Jerusalem for its defe... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 24:5

TAKE THE CHOICE; pick out the very best in the flock, that is, the greatest, richest, most powerful for authority and interest in the nation and city. BURN; or, heap together in order to burn, to make a fire with. THE BONES; not of the pieces to be boiled, but the bones of the many innocents murdere... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 24:6

All this allegory contains woeful and heavy tidings, misery and desolation to them that are represented by it. THE BLOODY CITY; see EZEKIEL 22:2,3; Jerusalem, which is this pot. WHOSE SCUM IS THEREIN; filthiness, her abominations, all her lewdness, are still within. her; they have not been punished,... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 24:7

HER BLOOD, innocent blood which she hath shed, IS IN THE MIDST OF HER; openly and publicly, without fear, or shame, or reluctance. SET IT UPON THE TOP OF A ROCK, where it might be long seen, cared not to hide her murders, as the next words clear it. POURED IT NOT UPON THE GROUND, to cover it with du... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 24:8

This provoked the anger of the Lord, and raised his fury against them. TO COME UP, into the face of God, (after the manner of man,) as EZEKIEL 38:18. TO TAKE VENGEANCE; to God it appertains to take vengeance, to punish such sinners according to the nature of their sin. I HAVE SET HER BLOOD UPON THE... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 24:9

WOE TO THE BLOODY CITY! see EZEKIEL 24:6. I WILL EVEN MAKE THE PILE FOR FIRE GREAT; God's hand shall be seen inflicting all those sore afflictions on them. Judgments are a fire, the fuel whereof is to be great; for it is a fire to consume the wicked, and God will make it sufficiently great to do thi... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 24:10

This is God's word, either what he will do pursuant of the 8th verse; or his word to the prophet, to typify to the people what should be done, or to the Chaldean army, to hasten what they were to do in destroying the city. Heap on wood; make full preparations. KINDLE THE FIRE; begin the execution of... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 24:11

SET IT, the hieroglyphic pot, _empty_; the water, flesh, bones, all consumed, i.e. the citizens all wasted with sword, famine, or pestilence, the city left as an empty, overboiled pot. UPON THE COALS THEREOF; signifying the burning of the city itself, after the emptying of its inhabitants. THAT THE... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 24:12

SHE; the nation of the Jews, and the city Jerusalem. HATH WEARIED; either her God, (so the French translation,) by her repeated sins, and pertinacy in them, as elsewhere, ISAIAH 1:14, ISAIAH 7:13 43:24; or wearied others, by injuries done against them; or, as we read it, herself, spent much time and... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 24:13

IN THY FILTHINESS, in thy sinning, is lewdness; deliberate resolution grown up to obstinacy and boldness, with impudence that will not be corrected. I HAVE PURGED THEE; used all sorts of proper means to purge, advice, reproof, chastisements, threats of sorer sufferings, by prophets, by the rod, some... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 24:14

This verse scarce hath its like I think in the book of God, so fully doth it ratify and confirm all, and prevents all their evasions. I THE LORD HAVE SPOKEN IT: this is Ezekiel's saying, Nay, it is the Lord that hath spoken it. IT SHALL COME TO PASS. But perhaps it may not be. Yea, but it shall; for... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 24:16

BEHOLD; consider what I tell, and will do. I TAKE AWAY FROM THEE; by death I take from thee, but it is I the Lord, and I take her to myself, though from thee. THE DESIRE OF THINE EYES: whether it refer to the beauty of her person or no, it certainly refers to the amiableness of her disposition, and... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 24:17

FORBEAR TO CRY; restrain and curb thy sorrows, neither sigh nor lament. MAKE NO MOURNING FOR THE DEAD; when thou carriest her out to burial, make no mourning for her. BIND THE TIRE OF THINE HEAD; adorn and trim up thy head, as thou wast used to do; go not bare-headed, as LEVITICUS 10:6, LEVITICUS 21... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 24:18

I SPAKE UNTO THE PEOPLE; told them what God had told me, and which I expected would be. IN THE MORNING; it is likely he had this revelation in the night, or evening before, and he tells them betimes in the morning, what God would do in taking away his wife, and what he must not do when she is dead,... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 24:19

THE PEOPLE SAID; some of the ordinary sort, the people, not rulers or priests. TELL US; explain, and declare whether there be not, and what it is that we are to learn by this. These are types, but what do they mean?... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 24:21

Now he is commissioned to declare the meaning of that he did. SPEAK UNTO THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL; to them at Babylon by word of mouth, but to them at Jerusalem by letter, or messenger. PROFANE MY SANCTUARY; cast off, and put into the hands of heathens, who will regard it no more than any other common bu... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 24:22

YE SHALL DO AS I HAVE DONE, when you are in captivity, where you cannot, may not use your own customs and rites on these or any other occasions. YE SHALL NOT COVER YOUR LIPS: EZEKIEL 24:17. NOR EAT THE BREAD OF MEN: see EZEKIEL 24:17.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 24:23

See EZEKIEL 24:16,17. YE SHALL PINE AWAY; you shall languish with grief and secret sorrow, when you shall not dare to show it openly, lest you irritate your tyrannical masters, who will expect that nothing grieve you that rejoiceth them. FOR YOUR INIQUITIES; the punishment of your iniquities, which... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 24:24

EZEKIEL IS UNTO YOU A SIGN; in what he doth you may see what you shall do; so EZEKIEL 4:3, EZEKIEL 12:6. And so was Isaiah, ISAIAH 8:18. WHEN THIS COMETH; when your necessities and enemies shall force you to do as I have done, make you write after this copy. YE SHALL KNOW THAT I AM THE LORD; confess... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 24:25

SHALL IT NOT BE? the question is to be resolved affirmatively, it shall be. IN THE DAY; in the day of the taking the city of Jerusalem. WHEN I TAKE FROM THEM; though Nebuchadnezzar was the means or instrument, God did act by him, who did God's work more than his own. THEIR STRENGTH, & c.; the kingdo... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 24:26

HE; so few escape, that the prophet seems to confine it to one. THAT ESCAPETH the common destruction when Jerusalem was sacked. SHALL COME UNTO THEE, purposely to declare how God hath made good his threats. TO CAUSE THEE TO HEAR IT; to give thee a narrative of all he had seen and observed: and this... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 24:27

SHALL THY MOUTH BE OPENED, to speak freely to him that brings the news, and to the Jews afterward. AND THOU SHALT SPEAK, AND BE NO MORE DUMB; from this prophecy for eighteen months during the siege he doth not prophesy of Israel, but of other nations. THOU SHALT BE A SIGN; until the event, confirmed... [ Continue Reading ]

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