Forbear to cry; restrain and curb thy sorrows, neither sigh nor lament. Make no mourning for the dead; when thou carriest her out to burial, make no mourning for her. Bind the tire of thine head; adorn and trim up thy head, as thou wast used to do; go not bare-headed, as Leviticus 10:6, Leviticus 21:10, a mourner. Put on thy shoes upon thy feet: in great mournings the Jews went bare-looted, 2 Samuel 15:30 Isaiah 47:2, but do not thou so, put on thy shoes. Cover not thy lips: it was a custom among them to cover either the upper lip, or mustaches, as the leper did, Leviticus 13:45, and as Micah 3:7; and this also is forbidden the prophet. Eat not the bread of men; either of mourners, or rather of thy neighbours and friends, who were wont to visit and feast their mourning friends, and sent in both choice and abundance of provision to their houses, Jeremiah 16:7; and this was a custom with Scythians, Grecians, Athenians, and Romans. Eat thou thine own, as if no mourning occasion in thy family.

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