To these heathen, yet neighbours of the Jews. the prophet might well suppose the name and greatness of the God of Israel was so known, as to command their attention when he speaketh. I am against thee; provoked by thy sins, I am an adversary to thee, and as such determined to proceed with thee. Zidon; a city in the north-west from Canaan, at the foot of Mount Libanus; a king's seat of old, and from which Tyre descended, as a swarm cast out of that hive, Isaiah 23:2; for it was a great city in Joshua's time, Joshua 11:8, Joshua 19:28, and built by Sidon, Canaan's son, Genesis 10:15 1 Chronicles 1:13; a famous mart full of merchants, like Tyre, and as full of sin as riches. I will be glorified; when my judgments make my justice, power, holiness, sovereignty, and truth appear, both you Sidonians, and others about, shall confess my glory, and ascribe honour to me. I will vindicate my honour and glory, which by thy sins thou hast eclipsed, and I by judgments will illustrate, as Exodus 14:4,17. They that dwell in thee, and round about thee, all that are concerned for thee, shall know that I am the Lord: see Ezekiel 6:10. When I shall have executed judgments in her; so late do sinners come to any due sense of God's power, justice, and majesty. The hardened sinners learn not by any other way but this, and by this too in the rigours and repeated executions of it. Sanctified; owned as holy, reverenced as just, obeyed as sovereign, and submitted to as wise, and mighty, and a hater of violence.

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