Ezekiel 29:1

EZEKIEL CHAPTER 29 The judgment upon Pharaoh for his treachery to Israel, EZEKIEL 29:1. The desolation of Egypt, and restoration of it after forty years, EZEKIEL 29:8. Egypt the reward of Nebuchadrezzar's service against Tyre, EZEKIEL 29:17. Israel shall flourish again, EZEKIEL 29:21. THE TENTH YEAR... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 29:2

SET THY FACE: see EZEKIEL 20:46, EZEKIEL 21:2. PHARAOH; Hophra, as the Scripture styles him, JEREMIAH 44:30; the Greek authors call him Apries, and Vaphres: most like he was grandson to Necho, who slew Josiah in fight, 2 CHRONICLES 35:23,24. PROPHESY AGAINST HIM; in prophetic style and authority dec... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 29:3

THUS SAITH THE LORD GOD; that God that drowned one of thy predecessors with his army, horsemen, and horses in the Red Sea, at whose name thou shouldst tremble, who ever fulfilled his word, and is the same, it is he foretells thee by my mouth what is to be. I am against thee: see EZEKIEL 28:22. _Phar... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 29:4

Thou art secure against all, but God will draw thee out of thy river to thy ruin. HOOKS; the allegory is continued; fish are drawn out with hooks and lines, and God hath hooks for this proud dragon, first Areasis, and next the Babylonian king. The expedition of Areasis at the head of the Cyreneans a... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 29:5

When thus brought out, as a fish out of the water, I will leave thee. God left this king. THE WILDERNESS; the deserts of Libya and Cyrene. ALL THE FISH; the whole army of Egyptians. Thou shalt fall upon the open fields; there was this king and his army ruined. THOU SHALT NOT BE BROUGHT TOGETHER, NOR... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 29:6

This mighty overthrow shall be known through all Egypt, and as it shall fill them with fears and troubles, so it should be a convincing argument to them that God had done this, and punished them, and their proud king, who used to say, as Herodotus reports, that God could not turn him out of his king... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 29:7

WHEN THEY, the Jews, unable to stand on their own legs, as men ready to fall, took hold of thee by thy hand; caught thine hand to lean on, as when besieged by the Chaldeans. THOU DIDST BREAK: it includes a designed and voluntary failure; Egypt would not support. AND REND ALL THEIR SHOULDER; didst te... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 29:8

THEREFORE, for thy atheistical pride, and thy perfidious mischief to the house of Israel, and other thy sins, I WILL BRING A SWORD UPON THEE; war, and the effects of it. First, a civil war arose against this king Hophra, who, weak and contemned, and fallen under the jealousies and disgusts of his su... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 29:9

THE LAND OF EGYPT; that part here intended, say some, and in the 10th verse, bounded from Syene to the borders of Ethiopia; nor is this inconsistent with that EZEKIEL 29:2, against all Egypt, for all Egypt suffered much, though all were not equally wasted, and turned into a desolation, as these part... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 29:10

I AM AGAINST THEE: see EZEKIEL 28:22. THY RIVERS: see EZEKIEL 29:4. WASTE: see EZEKIEL 29:9. THE TOWER; thus, as a common name, we, and the French, and others read it; but some account it a proper name of a town or city, called Magdalum, for aught I know the old Migdol, EXODUS 14:2 NUMBERS 33:7,8; i... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 29:11

NO FOOT OF MAN; not strictly to be taken, but in an accommodated sense, or comparatively to what once was, or so little traffic and passing to and fro, that no footsteps or tracks of men were found. It is a Scripture hyperbole, as LUKE 19:44 ISAIAH 14:31 EZEKIEL 26:14,21. NOR FOOT OF BEAST; of profi... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 29:12

This verse is a further repeated confirmation of what was said before, and needs no new explication, every thing in it being already spoken to in the former verses. AMONG THE NATIONS; some into captivity, others by a timely retirement dispersed themselves, and got among their neighbours, who escaped... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 29:13

FORTY YEARS: see EZEKIEL 29:11. GATHER, by some eminent acts of Providence toward them, perhaps inclining the generous mind of Cyrus to favour them, and proclaim liberty to them, and under the government of old Areasis, that reigned fifty-five years, saith Diodorus, some ten or twelve of which might... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 29:14

THE CAPTIVITY; which Nebuchadnezzar led away into Babylon. THE LAND OF PATHROS; one province or country of Egypt; it was a southern part of Egypt. in which was the famous city Thebae or Thebais, known for its hundred gates. THE LAND OF THEIR HABITATION; the ancient habitation of the fathers of the m... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 29:15

THE BASEST; the most abject, debased, and most underling. It is likely the kings to whom Egypt was tributary kept them lowest, as knowing how dangerous that kingdom might be, as it recovered its ancient greatness; and the word seems to intimate this, for it is more than the kingdoms it shall be depr... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 29:16

THE CONFIDENCE: on every occasion the Jews were wont, against express prohibition, to renew friendship with Egypt, and make leagues for defence by them, and here they sinfully rested, as ISAIAH 30:2, ISAIAH 31:1 36:6,9: see EZEKIEL 29:7. WHICH BRINGETH THEIR INIQUITY TO REMEMBRANCE; which sinful rel... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 29:17

THE SEVEN AND TWENTIETH YEAR OF JECONIAH'S CAPTIVITY, the year after the conquest of Tyre, and the thirty-fifth of Nebuchadnezzar. THE FIRST MONTH; part of our March and April.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 29:18

HIS ARMY: the army, the inferior officers, and principal commanders, it is like, were weary of the siege, and might advise the raising it; but the authority, presence, and immovable resolution of the king kept them on still, and made them hold out. A GREAT SERVICE; it was service to the justice of G... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 29:19

I WILL GIVE THE LAND OF EGYPT: yet it is certain that the discontents of Egypt gave occasion, and the revolts of some of the subjects from Hophra, or Apries, and their inviting Nebuchadnezzar, gave him Egypt; but these were the irregularities of men, which God did wisely and justly manage to effect... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 29:20

I HAVE GIVEN HIM; it is as sure as in his possession; thought he must fight for it, and it will cost blood, yet he shall surely have success. AGAINST IT; Tyre. THEY WROUGHT FOR ME; the proud, revengeful, covetous, and cruel Babylonians designed themselves, and did work for themselves, but God had fu... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 29:21

IN THAT DAY; about that time, when Egypt was spoiled, Nebuchadnezzar returned to Babylon, his wars first, and soon after his life, ended, about four or five years after his return out of Egypt into Babylon; for about the thirty-seventh or thirty-eighth of his reign he finished his conquest of Egypt,... [ Continue Reading ]

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