Ezekiel 30:1

EZEKIEL CHAPTER 30 The desolation of Egypt and her helpers, EZEKIEL 30:1. The arm of Babylon shall be strengthened to break the arm of Egypt, EZEKIEL 30:20. No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 30:2

HOWL YE, inhabitants of Egypt, and whoso are near enough in friendship and alliances to fall under the like calamities. WOE WORTH THE DAY! Ah the day! O sad and miserable times.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 30:3

THE DAY; the time of such distresses, as never the like known by you. NEAR; it will begin in your overthrow in the Cyrenian and Libyan deserts in very little time next it will continue in your civil war, and finally end in the Babylonish conquest: some two years, and you shall be miserably routed in... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 30:4

THE SWORD: see EZEKIEL 29:8. IN ETHIOPIA; next neighbour and ally to Egypt; they shall tremble at so great danger, so near, and they uncertain whether it will come on them, but very certain to be ruined if it does come, and as certain that they have cause to suspect it will come on them. WHEN THE SL... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 30:5

ETHIOPIA, Heb. _Cush, _ which are commonly thought to be the Ethiopians in Africa, but some more inquisitive geographers have found them originally and chiefly in Arabia, which was either subject or ally to Egypt in its prosperity; and these were, as EZEKIEL 30:4, in a panic that, lest the Babylonia... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 30:6

THEY ALSO THAT UPHOLD EGYPT; either the princes, counsellors, and martial men in Egypt, or those abroad, that favour her and help her. THE PRIDE OF HER POWER; the glory of all her strength, of which she was proud. SHALL COME DOWN; be trodden under foot. From the tower; from Magdalum in the north-eas... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 30:7

THEY, all those before mentioned, SHALL BE DESOLATE; as much wasted as any of them that are most wasted. Her cities, of Egypt, equally wasted with other cities that have been sacked, as Jerusalem, Tyre, Zidon, Rabbath, &c.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 30:8

THEY SHALL KNOW; all that act, and all that suffer, in this tragedy, shall by the evidence of the things be enforced to own God's hand, and ascribe justice, and truth, and glory to him. A FIRE; that war, which like increasing fire consumeth all. SHALL BE DESTROYED; the destruction of so many and pow... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 30:9

IN THAT DAY; the day of God's severe but just judgments, and Egypt's fatal desolation. MESSENGERS; such as having seen and escaped the sword, shall tell the dismal news. FROM ME; by my permission and providence they shall go, as if sent by me. IN SHIPS; ships that either carried them over into Penta... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 30:10

THE MULTITUDE; the numerous families and tribes. To cease; to dwindle and decrease. BY THE HAND; by the army, power, and conduct of Nebuchadrezzar.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 30:11

HE; Nebuchadrezzar. HIS PEOPLE; his own subjects, not hired soldiers. THE TERRIBLE: this is the description of them, HABAKKUK 1:7, a fierce and cruel people, as PSALMS 137:8,9. SHALL BE BROUGHT, by the hand of God, using means for that end, as before noted, EZEKIEL 29:4. DRAW THEIR SWORDS AGAINST EG... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 30:12

I WILL MAKE THE RIVERS DRY; either by some extraordinary drought, or rather by means of that mighty lake, which drew so much water from Nilus, that all their canals were ever after shallow, and the lake, as the oracle foretold, helped their enemy, and hurt their friends; or the Chaldeans might diver... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 30:13

I WILL ALSO DESTROY; God did it by the Babylonians; those proud and impious nations did triumph over the gods of the conquered, and out of contempt of them burnt them or broke them, as is well known; so Sennacherib threatened, 2 CHRONICLES 32:19 ISAIAH 37:19,24, against the true God, as he did to id... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 30:14

PARTHOS: see EZEKIEL 29:14. SET A FIRE IN ZOAN: it may be literally understood, that Zoan, Tanis, for that is its name, should be burnt down to ashes; or metaphorically, of war, and civil dissensions. NO; a very great and populous city, situate on one of the mouths of Nilus, and on the sea, NAHUM 3:... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 30:15

WILL POUR MY FURY: see EZEKIEL 21:31. SIN; either Sain, or more likely Pelusium, which was a frontier, and secured the entrance of Egypt from the desert of Sin, was the key of Egypt, and therefore always well fortified and strongly garrisoned; it was called Damtiata. THE STRENGTH OF EGYPT; one of th... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 30:16

WILL SET FIRE: see EZEKIEL 30:14, and EZEKIEL 20:47. SIN: see EZEKIEL 30:15. Great pain: see EZEKIEL 30:9. NO: EZEKIEL 30:14,15. RENT ASUNDER; her walls, and towers, and fortresses battered, torn, and broken through by the continued violence of engines, and by the assaults of the soldiers. NOPH: see... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 30:17

THE YOUNG MEN: it is probable these might be a select army of valiant youths in one body, collected out of these two cities, that resolved to break the Chaldean army, or fall in the enterprise; or else that they did to the utmost defend the walls, and were put to the sword when the city was taken by... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 30:18

TEHAPHNEHES; a great and goodly city of Egypt. Tachapanes, Tachpanes, Tahapanes, Tahpanes, Chanes, and Hanes, ISAIAH 30:4, are names given it, and this from a queen of Egypt of that name in Solomon's time, 1 KINGS 11:19,20. It stood not far from Sin or Pelusium, and by the Greeks, a little softening... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 30:20

THE ELEVENTH YEAR of Jeconiah's captivity, three months and two days before Jerusalem was taken, JEREMIAH 52:4. IN THE FIRST MONTH; the fourth day of our April.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 30:21

I have often told thee I would break, now I tell thee I HAVE BROKEN, partly by the victory of the Chaldean over Pharaoh-necho, partly by the victory the Cyreneaus got over Pharaoh-hophra to raise the siege, from which attempt he fell with shame and loss, but more by civil wars. PHARAOH; Hophra or Ap... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 30:22

In the former verse God had broken the arm, in this he will break the arms of Pharaoh, he will show he is still against Pharaoh, and will break him more and more. THE STRONG; that part of his kingdom which remains entire. THAT WHICH WAS BROKEN; that which was shattered before, that part of his kingd... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 30:25

These two foregoing verses are a repetition of God's threats against Pharaoh, and of his promises to assist Nebuchadnezzar in the war, and every thing plain in them. WILL STRENGTHEN; give the first strength, and continue it with new supplies, so that with strength from God he shall proceed. PUT MY S... [ Continue Reading ]

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