Ezekiel 31:1

EZEKIEL CHAPTER 31 A recital to Pharaoh of the Assyrian's greatness, and of his fall for pride, EZEKIEL 31:1. The like destruction shall be to Pharaoh, EZEKIEL 31:18. IN THE ELEVENTH YEAR; as EZEKIEL 30:20. IN THE THIRD MONTH; our June 26th old style, the 16th new style; just one month and eight day... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 31:2

PHARAOH; Apries or Hophra. TO HIS MULTITUDE; his numerous subjects, with the power and riches they glory in. WHOM ART THOU LIKE IN THY GREATNESS? bethink thyself, what king of all before thee art thou equal with, or else greater? On what surer and more immovable foundation doth thy greatness stand,... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 31:3

THE ASSYRIAN kingdom and its kings were the greatest the world ever knew before thee, they had longest time of growth, through 1340 or 1360 years, from Belus who was Nimrod, or Belus Assyrius, to Sardanapalus, from 1719 or 1717, or 1718, to 3059, of the world. And they had as fair advantages, as rea... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 31:4

As cedars grow great by the watercourses, so did this kingdom by multitudes of people and convenience of trade; or by the plenty of the country, if no trade, for it was first planted in the fruitful fields among the sweet rivers, Euphrates, Tigris, Lycus, Diava, and others. The deep set him up on hi... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 31:5

His height was exalted; his power, glory, and his pride too ran up on high: a just administration of laws for the benefit of the public, and a kind usage of the subject, while it was here, made the king great and his kingdom famous. ABOVE ALL THE TREES OF THE FIELD; above all his neighbour kings, am... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 31:6

ALL THE FOWLS; not every individual, but all sorts and kinds of men and people, nobles, merchants, husbandmen, likened to fowls. MADE THEIR NESTS; did settle their habitations and families, expecting what they found, safety and rest, and hoping what did ensue, an increase of their children and poste... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 31:7

FAIR; beautiful, lovely, and desirable. In his greatness; not exerted in tyranny and oppression, but exercised in the royal art of imitating the greatest and best being who is King over all, for he doth good to all. IN THE LENGTH OF HIS BRANCHES; how far soever remote, yet the justice and goodness o... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 31:8

THE CEDARS; kings, the greatest and most magnificent. IN THE GARDEN OF GOD; either in the most fruitful gardens, or in Judah and Israel; not David, not Solomon, Jehoshaphat, or Hezekiah, could top and shade him. THE FIR TREES; a meaner sort of trees, emblem of lesser kings and kingdoms; these were b... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 31:9

I HAVE MADE HIM FAIR; all this greatness, wealth, and glory I have given him. BY THE MULTITUDE OF HIS BRANCHES; the numbers of his provinces, and multitude of his subjects, high and low, great and small. ENVIED HIM; either did when they saw his greatness, or would have envied if they had seen it; or... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 31:10

Now you shall hear the sin and the fall of this great kingdom of Assyria. His mind could not longer bear so great prosperity, he lifts up himself, and in his pride forgets God who lifted him up and will cast him down. You have a specimen of it in that of ISAIAH 10:7 ISAIAH 36:9,15,18. This, as other... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 31:11

I HAVE THEREFORE DELIVERED: no prophetic style, as some think, I have because I will, for most certainly God would deliver. HIM; the proud king of Assyria, who inherited all the vices of his progenitors more than their kingdoms; infamous Sardanapalus. THE MIGHTY ONE: some say Cyrus, or rather Arbace... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 31:12

STRANGERS; foreigners, who regard neither justice nor mercy, such were those who made up his army of Arbaces the Mede. THE TERRIBLE; so these were for their strength and valour much, but for their numbers and barbarity more, to be dreaded. HAVE CUT HIM OFF; not shall, for it was done before Ezekiel'... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 31:13

HIS RUIN; his broken state. ALL THE FOWLS, which built and breed there, shall now despise the tree, and triumph over it. ALL THE BEASTS; the same in another emblem, as EZEKIEL 31:6. Beasts, fowls, people, and nations, that were sheltered under the shadow of this tree, shall all, as is their custom,... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 31:14

TO THE END; all this is designed to be a warning to mortals. ALL THE TREES, i: e. the emperors, potentates, kings, or rich flourishing states. BY THE WATERS; planted most commodiously, and furnished most abundantly with power and wealth. EXALT THEMSELVES; grow proud, because they are high, shoot out... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 31:15

WHEN HE, the king of Assyria, the tall cedar, or the kingdom of Assyria, went down to the grave; was a man in grave; buried in its own ruins. I CAUSED A MOURNING there was much lamentation. I COVERED THE DEEP; I put the sea, i.e. either neighbouring states, or the body of is people, or the trading p... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 31:16

TO SHAKE; all that heard the noise of his fall trembled at it, it was as God intended it should be, an astonishment to them all. CAST HIM DOWN TO HELL; brought the king and kingdom, as a dead man, to the grave, among them that be. fore were dead and buried. ALL THE TREES OF EDEN; all kings, and part... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 31:17

THEY ALSO; either his neighbour kings and princes, or those that were his own subjects, but rich and mighty. WENT DOWN INTO HELL; were broken and perished with him, and went to those God had slain for their pride and wickedness. THEY THAT WERE HIS ARM; his loyal and faithful subjects and friends abr... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 31:18

The mightiest, richest, and longest-lived kingdom I have represented, saith God, overthrown and destroyed; a kingdom thou canst not pretend to equal; and if not like this, what king or kingdom art thou like, that thou shouldst be invincible? Whoever thou art like in height and power, thou shalt be l... [ Continue Reading ]

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