I have therefore delivered: no prophetic style, as some think, I have because I will, for most certainly God would deliver. Him; the proud king of Assyria, who inherited all the vices of his progenitors more than their kingdoms; infamous Sardanapalus. The mighty one: some say Cyrus, or rather Arbaces, who first struck at the root of this cedar, and cut him down; and well might this man, though no king when he attempted this, be styled the mighty one of the heathen, who could bring together four hundred thousand of Medes, Persians, Babylonians, and Arabians, a power sufficient to besiege the Assyrian king two years in his own city and palace. He shall surely deal with him; so he did, for he held him besieged without hope of relief, till at two years end this vicious king burned himself with his palace. Driven him out, with disgrace, for his lewd, shameless courses, as a wife is cast out by divorce for adultery, Leviticus 21:7. For his wickedness; so Sardanapalus was cast out for his effeminacy and lewdness; for it is reported this gave Arbaces first encouragement to lay a design against him. He was driven out, as the prophet words it, by the breach two miles and a half wide, made by the mighty floods from continual rains, which the walls of Nineveh could not withstand: so God rather than man did drive this beast out.

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