All the fowls; not every individual, but all sorts and kinds of men and people, nobles, merchants, husbandmen, likened to fowls. Made their nests; did settle their habitations and families, expecting what they found, safety and rest, and hoping what did ensue, an increase of their children and posterity, as birds do in a quiet and safe nest. In his boughs; in his kingdom, in the cities or towns of it. Under his branches; the very same thing expressed by a new hieroglyphic. Beasts here are people, the field is the countries round about, their bringing forth their young includes their making their dens, that is, men's building, begetting children, and breeding them under his branches, under his government and protection. Under his shadow dwelt all great nations: this gives some light to the riddle. No nation, that was great at that time in the world, but either owned the dominion, or sought the alliance and friendship, of this king and kingdom.

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