The cedars; kings, the greatest and most magnificent. In the garden of God; either in the most fruitful gardens, or in Judah and Israel; not David, not Solomon, Jehoshaphat, or Hezekiah, could top and shade him. The fir trees; a meaner sort of trees, emblem of lesser kings and kingdoms; these were but like his boughs, though they grow to great height and bulk. The chesnut trees; the same in another allusion. Kings, like chesnut trees, great when by themselves, yet, compared with this Assyrian, were but as branches of his boughs; all which see in Isaiah's words, Ezekiel 10:7,8. There was some truth, though more pride, in this speech of the Assyrian, which the prophet reports. Nor any tree in the garden of God; all summed up, none like him in all the kingdoms of the world.

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