Prepare the funeral ceremonies at the burial of Egypt, compose a suitable song or speech, utter it with a like suitableness to the sad occasion. Jeremiah 9:17, and Amos 5:16, use the word, and the places read will explain this. Cast them down; either declare that they shall be cast down from their height and glory; or rather, because this was done already, lay them down as dead in the grave, bring him to his grave, as the word is used, with addition of sheol, 1 Kings 2:9, and much like are Ezekiel 26:20, Ezekiel 31:16. The daughters of the famous nations; and celebrate the funerals of other cities and kingdoms, that lie buried in their own ruins and other men's oblivion. The nether parts of the earth; a well-known description of the state of the dead and the grave. Go down into the pit: usually this is no more than a common description of men's going to the dust in their burial, but here it includes more. The Egyptians affected to be buried either in the isle Chemnis, or in the pyramids, their kings and great ones thus would be laid by themselves; but Ezekiel provides them their grave among common people, buries them where they fall; for they shall not have what they account so much of in their funeral.

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