My net; a large, long, and wide net, drawn out to full extent. Over thee; with which both lions and crocodiles might be taken, and in which this lion and crocodile should certainly be taken; for God, whose hand never erreth, will spread the net. With a company of many people: in the countries where these creatures were hunted, they went in mighty companies to the game, as they accounted it. Bring thee up in my net; drag thee along to destroy thee, pull thee up out of the pit, in which the net was laid to take the lion to kill him, and draw this crocodile up out of the water for the same end; in brief, war by land and sea by a confederacy of many people against Hophra shall be God's net, wherein he shall be taken, kept a prisoner, as he was, and at last strangled: see Ezekiel 29:4.

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