Water with thy blood; most plentifully pour out thy blood, as water is poured out to water land, when men float their grounds. Wherein thou swimmest; either because of the plenty thereof, wherein they swimmed, as we say; or else because this king was a whale or crocodile, his dwelling must be the waters, and in them he swimmeth. To the mountains; an hyperbole; blood shall be poured forth, as if it were to rise to the very mountains and cover them; or thy blood shall be shed through all thy plain country, to the very mountains, which I think are toward the south-west parts toward Ethiopia; so they should be slain from Migdol or Magdalum to Syene, as Ezekiel 29:10. Full of thee; of thy blood, and of thy carcasses cast into the rivers by thine enemies, or drowned in attempting flight by water from the drawn sword.

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