As a shepherd doth gently gather them together, counteth them, brings them to the fold, views what they have suffered, whether lame or torn, and binds up, and healeth; if any are wanting, he looks till he findeth them, and brings them back; so will I, saith the Lord. If the shepherd find the wolf or lion among them or near them, he will either kill or drive him away; so will God. If under-servants have been careless, they shall be warned or turned away; so here, &c. Will deliver them; they are wronged in all places where they were scattered, the places in which they are and should not be are part of that danger I will free them from. The cloudy day; when the storm first began to arise from abroad or at home; here in persecutions, there in warlike preparations. Dark day; that the land was invaded till the desolation of Jerusalem, the times of maladministration of their own governors, and violent irruption of their enemies.

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