I will even do, deal with thee, O Mount Seir, according to thine anger; I will take my measures from thy using of Israel. Thou wast angry, and that very fiercely, in which anger thou didst smite: in fierce anger against thee I will smite thee. Thou thoughtest with an envious heart all Israel had was too good for him, and wouldst spoil him of all; and I know thee unworthy of all thou hast, and I will take it from thee. Thy hatred edged both thine anger and thine envy to extirpate and root them out; and in my hatred against such sins and obstinate sinners I will utterly destroy thee and root thee out. When I have judged thee: so God is known by the judgments that he executeth, when such wicked ones are taken in their own works, as snares which themselves have laid.

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