Ezekiel 36:1

EZEKIEL CHAPTER 36 The land of Israel is comforted with a prospect of the ruin of its spiteful neighbours, and of its own blessings promised by God, EZEKIEL 36:1. Israel was rejected for their sin, and shall be restored with blessings for the sake of God's name only, EZEKIEL 36:16. _Also_, Heb. _And... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 36:2

Many were the enemies of God's people, but they so conspired in one design, with one consent, and were so one in their humours, and enmity, and carriage, that the prophet speaks of them as one, and particularly of Edom. AHA; rejoicingly and with insulting pride, as Ammon did, EZEKIEL 25:3, and Tyre... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 36:3

BECAUSE THEY, Edomites, and others with them, HAVE MADE YOU DESOLATE; first broken your strength, wasted your cities, and burnt the temple, and waylaid you, to cut off them that were escaped at last. SWALLOWED YOU UP; devoured you, as hungry beasts devour the prey. ON EVERY SIDE; from all coasts of... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 36:4

TO THE HILLS: now is added a particular of hills, valleys, &c., whereas before only the mountains were mentioned, but by them the whole land was understood; and to assure them thereof, all parts are here particularly mentioned: all that the enemy wasted shall be repaired, all that he took away shall... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 36:5

SURELY; in the Hebrew it is in the form of an oath. IN THE FIRE; in my hot displeasure. SPOKEN AGAINST; threatened ruin and desolation to all the nations that are and have been enemies to Israel. IDUMEA; the land in which the Edomites dwelt; the Hebrew is Edom. HAVE APPOINTED MY LAND; have given or... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 36:6

SAY UNTO THE MOUNTAINS: see EZEKIEL 36:4. IN MY FURY: see EZEKIEL 36:5, where is no difference in the thing expressed, though a little difference in the expressing of it; there it was THE FIRE OF MY JEALOUSY, here IN MY JEALOUSY AND IN MY FURY. HAVE BORNE THE SHAME OF THE HEATHEN; which in EZEKIEL 3... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 36:7

LIFTED UP MINE HAND; sworn in my wrath, but in my truth also, DEUTERONOMY 32:40; and when men did swear solemnly, they did heretofore use this rite, GENESIS 14:22. THE HEATHEN THAT ARE ABOUT YOU; Moabites, Ammonites, and Idumeans shall be repaid in their own coin; I will, as sure as I am God, as sur... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 36:8

SHALL SHOOT; shall be fruitful, and send forth the branches, trees, plants, herbs, and grass, that are proper for you, and these branches shall not have leaves only, but they shall bring forth their fruit. THEY ARE AT HAND; the time will come, yea is near, when my people shall come out of Babylonish... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 36:9

I AM FOR YOU; favour you, and am pacified towards you, or I come towards you with redemption, that your old inhabitants may return to you with singing. TURN UNTO YOU; look towards you, with regard to what hath been and is your estate, your sufferings, which were less than you deserved, yet were the... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 36:11

These verses contain much the same promise of future good which God engageth to do for Israel after their return out of Babylon. He will multiply men upon the mountains of Israel, he will increase them; now, lest any should reply there had been too many men on the mountains, even all the heathen, Go... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 36:12

For years past since your captivity wild devouring beasts ranged up and down, but now, instead of such, men shall walk up and down in the mountains of Israel; I will take away the beasts from off you, and bring men upon you. MY PEOPLE ISRAEL; a people that are mine by covenant, whom I will own, my I... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 36:13

THEY SAY; the heathen round about, the enemies of Israel, accuse the land of destroying its natives, and bring an evil report on it. DEVOUREST UP MEN; either by intestine wars, or foreign invasions, or by unhealthful air, or by multitude of wild beasts, or by barrenness and famine, thou killest them... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 36:14

I will so bless thee, O land, that thou shalt bring forth and breed up many sons and daughters, thou shalt see thy children's children increase, and this reproach shall cease for ever.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 36:15

This verse is a confirmation of what was promised in EZEKIEL 36:12, all which is doubled for more assurance, and each part already explicated. See EZEKIEL 36:6.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 36:17

IN THEIR OWN LAND; in fullness, case, and security, as in days past they did. THEY DEFILED IT; brought in much sin and great guilt upon the land, i.e. on themselves who dwelt there, and sinned greatly. BY THEIR OWN WAY; leaving my law, despising my counsel, forsaking my worship and temple. BY THEIR... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 36:18

WHEREFORE; these and other sins were the true cause that the land was emptied of men, there was no ground for the heathen's calumny. I POURED MY FURY; I was angry with them, and the effects of my anger were such as made the land and cities desolate. FOR THE BLOOD THAT THEY HAD SHED; for murders comm... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 36:19

My hand scattered them, and what hand can retain the inhabitants that God will fling out? THEY were driven away, as chaff before the wind. As their ways and doings provoked me, and deserved what I brought on them, so I judged them, and punished them with desolation.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 36:20

WHEN THEY ENTERED; when they were come into Babylon, and entered into familiarity with the inhabitants as neighbours. PROFANED MY HOLY NAME; did profanely sin against those precepts of my law, which heathens did know, venerate, and observe better than the Jews; or it may include the misery their sin... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 36:21

I HAD PITY; I spared them, who in captivity continued to sin greatly against me, and for which sins I had just cause to cut them off; but I had pity. FOR MINE HOLY NAME; for my own sake, and for the glory of my name: had I destroyed them, the heathen would have concluded against my omnipotence and m... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 36:22

I DO NOT THIS, which I have done, sparing you and preserving you, and giving you favour in the sight of the heathen; nor do I that I am about to do for you, returning you to Judea, planting you, increasing you, and establishing you, and making you a blessing; I do not this for your sake, you deserve... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 36:23

WILL SANCTIFY, by clearing it up, and removing the objection that the Jews sufferings and sins among the Babylonians had raised. MY GREAT NAME; they gave the heathen occasion to think meanly and contemptibly of me, but I will show I am as great as good, in both infinite. WAS PROFANED: see EZEKIEL 36... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 36:24

The heathen purpose, as Pharaoh did, to detain you servants, and think it impossible any power should take you out of their hand or break the yoke; but I will do it. I will by my omnipotent hand rescue you from their power. GATHER YOU; they were scattered so through a hundred and twenty-seven provin... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 36:25

He alludes to the sprinklings under the law, perhaps to that NUMBERS 19:9, which was for purification of sin; and EZEKIEL 36:19,20. So God will purify them from their guilt. _Clean water_: some think it may refer to baptismal water; if so, it is to the blood of Christ, signified by it, and this, say... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 36:26

A NEW HEART; a renewed frame of soul, a disposition and mind changed from sinful to holy, from evil to good, from carnal to spiritual. See EZEKIEL 11:19. A heart in which the law of God is written, as JEREMIAH 31:33. It is a sanctified heart, in which the almighty grace of God is victorious, and tur... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 36:27

PUT, elsewhere pour out; God will give freely and abundantly. MY SPIRIT; the Holy Spirit of God, which is the immediate principal cause of that change of an old heart into new, and of hard into soft. By the efficient cause we may know the effect; and understand what a new heart is, and what the new... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 36:28

Spiritual blessings, promised in EZEKIEL 36:25, are now followed with temporal blessings; so earth doth follow heaven. YE SHALL DWELL: God adds this to his taking, gathering, and bringing into the land, EZEKIEL 36:24; when they are there, they shall settle and continue proprietors, possessing their... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 36:29

Perhaps the former part of this verse would have been better joined with the former verse, as a glorious fruit of God's taking them to be his people, and his condescending to be their God. Salvation from all uncleannesses includeth justification, in our pardon, sanctification, the renewing our minds... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 36:30

The former part of this verse is explained EZEKIEL 34:27, and EZEKIEL 36:8 of this chapter. The latter part is explained in EZEKIEL 36:29.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 36:31

THEN, when I have given you my Spirit, renewed your hearts, brought you by miraculous mercy out of captivity in a strange land unto liberty in your own, ye shall call to mind, review, and examine all your past life, your ways opposite to God s; therefore both their own by choice, and also evil in th... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 36:32

NOT FOR YOUR SAKES: to a self-exalting people, who have too high thoughts of themselves, this is a necessary monition; we are all like the Jews, proud of somewhat we have not; see veri. 22; an old disease, and we are long since warned of it, as well as they, DEUTERONOMY 9:5,6. BE ASHAMED AND CONFOUN... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 36:33

Committed sin, that deserveth, and imputed sin, that doth bring down, judgments on the sinner, so did the Jews sins, and continued the punishment in those judgments, until a pardon take away guilt, and then judgments will be removed; so here, pardoned captives return to and dwell in their own cities... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 36:35

THEY SHALL SAY; strangers or foreigners, who had heard or seen the sad wastes, and now either hear or see the replanting of it, and how it succeedeth. LIKE THE GARDEN OF EDEN; see the phrase EZEKIEL 28:13; most fruitful, pleasant, and desirable. This is true of the church of Christ without an hyperb... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 36:36

THAT ARE LEFT; that were not carried away and dispersed, whether they were Tyrians, Zidonians, on the north, or Ammon, and Moab, and the Philistines, and Edomites, eastward and southward, these remnants of the heathen shall see and confess a peculiar providence of God toward the Jews, in their flour... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 36:37

Though I have repeated so often my promise to return them, to rebuild, to multiply them, yet they shall know it is their duty to entreat it, to wait on me, and then I will give a merciful answer and do it. Thus Daniel prayed, when he knew the return was sure and near. Or else it may be thus; Above a... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 36:38

THE HOLY FLOCK; flocks designed to holy uses, as sacrifices, and therefore further described by the place where they are, Jerusalem. HER SOLEMN FEASTS; the occasion and time, solemn feasts, either the three annual great feasts, or you may hake in the daily sacrifices. These flocks were for quality t... [ Continue Reading ]

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