Then, when I have given you my Spirit, renewed your hearts, brought you by miraculous mercy out of captivity in a strange land unto liberty in your own, ye shall call to mind, review, and examine all your past life, your ways opposite to God s; therefore both their own by choice, and also evil in their very nature, the ways the prophets condemned and threatened, as Eze 22 Jer 3:5, &c. Not good; it is a meiosis; not good, i.e. exceeding evil, like, yea worse than, other nations, Ezekiel 5:6, than Sodom, Ezekiel 16:46. Loathe yourselves: see Ezekiel 6:9. Your mind shall abhor what you loved, and deeply grieve at what you rejoiced in; when swine, ye wallowed in mire; when made sheep, you shall as much fear and flee from it. In your own right; not in sight of others, but repentance in the chief parts lieth more retired and inward, and loathes sins that are in the heart, though none ever knew them beside God and his own soul. This fruit is the first and most sure sign of true repentance.

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