EZEKIEL CHAPTER 37 By the resurrection of dry bones the revival of the lost hope of Israel is prefigured, Ezekiel 37:1. By the uniting of two sticks is showed the incorporation of Israel with Judah, Ezekiel 37:15. Their blessings in union under Christ their king, Ezekiel 37:20. The hand; either the prophetic Spirit, as Ezekiel 1:3, Ezekiel 8:1, moving him to prophesy by this emblem; or else the Spirit of God carrying him visionally, not corporeally, as in Eze 8, into such a prospect or landscape. In the spirit; either in the power of the Spirit of God, or it may refer to the prophet's own spirit, he was in his spirit, or mind and apprehension. Set me down; so it seemed to me in the vision, that I was set gently down. In the valley; it is vain to inquire what valley this should be, which was visional, not corporeal or real. Full of bones: it is as vain to inquire whose bones these were, they are visional, and hieroglyphics of Israel's present condition.

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