Ezekiel 42:1

EZEKIEL CHAPTER 42 The chambers for the priests, EZEKIEL 42:1. The use thereof, EZEKIEL 42:13,14. The measures of the outward court, EZEKIEL 42:15. After a particular view of the temple, and all its parts, with the inmost court, and all in it, the prophet is BROUGHT FORTH INTO THE UTTER COURT; calle... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 42:2

The temple, of one hundred cubits long, and of fifty broad, was on the south prospect of these chambers; or, possibly, this north door did give entrance into buildings that were one hundred cubits long and fifty cubits broad.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 42:3

The twenty cubits space of the inner court, or court of the temple, faced the south front of this row of chambers, their southern lights looked into this space, and to the north of the temple: THE PAVEMENT, which was in the priests court, and on the north side of this building, into which pavement t... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 42:4

This row of chambers had on the south side, or inward, a walk of ten cubits broad, which my between the wall on which these chambers were built, and the twenty cubits space; possibly it might be some cloister, running along the wall on the inside. Before the galleries, probably, was a ledge of one c... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 42:5

WERE SHORTER: at first view it should seem to refer to the length, but indeed it refers to the height of the chambers, of which the lowest chamber was highest pitched from the floor to the ceiling; the second lower pitched than the first, yet of greater height than the uppermost between the floor an... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 42:6

IN THREE STORIES; built high one over another. AS THE PILLARS OF THE COURTS; as thick and strong as those were, but of the slenderer and weaker make. THE BUILDING, the highest room of the building, was straitened; was laid at nearer distance than the middlemost from the lowest, or than the roof of t... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 42:7

THE WALL; not of the chambers, but some wall at distance from them; perhaps some wall that might keep up a terrace-walk. OVER AGAINST THE CHAMBERS; therefore was northward from the chambers. THE UTTER COURT; the court of the men, or of Israel, which is called utter with respect to this, wherein this... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 42:8

This verse gives us a reason why the wall over against the chambers was but fifty cubits, it might not be more or less because it was to hold exact symmetry with these buildings, which it confronted: possibly this verse may give some light to the second verse, latter part. THE UTTER COURT: see EZEKI... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 42:9

I suppose this verse describes the entrance into the south chambers, that it was on the east point, and that whose would go into them must go up the stairs (which probably were winding stairs) at the east end of these buildings, whose front was toward the south.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 42:10

THE CHAMBERS, galleries also with them, of this south building now measured. THE THICKNESS, or the breadth, of that wall of the court which was eastward, and as an enclosure of the building. THE SEPARATE PLACE; which was west from this building, whose length lay north and south, and its breadth east... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 42:11

THE WAY; the walk, as EZEKIEL 42:4. LIKE THE APPEARANCE, exactly uniform with the fabric, on the north side. ALL THEIR GOINGS OUT; every window and door. WERE BOTH ACCORDING TO THEIR FASHIONS; framed in the same manner. ACCORDING TO THEIR DOORS; according to the number of the doors in the one was th... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 42:12

This verse is a particular description of the door and way that, from the east end of this south building, did lead either under the buildings, or through some part of them toward the west point, as before; such a way from the north buildings did lead to the south, nor do I think necessary to speak... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 42:13

THEN SAID HE; the measurer, Christ, man in appearance at that time. THE SEPARATE PLACE: see EZEKIEL 42:1. HOLY CHAMBERS; set apart, consecrated to holy services and uses, as vessels, garments, and days may be holy. THE PRIESTS, and Levites too, THAT APPROACH; that were then in waiting, according to... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 42:14

WHEN, at the time of their service, the priests, and Levites also, who assisted, enter therein, come into the court of the temple or inmost court in their priestly garments to offer sacrifice, or to do any other part of their office, THEN, when they have done their office, SHALL THEY NOT GO OUT, in... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 42:15

THE INNER HOUSE; the holy of holies, the temple, and all the buildings that were in it, and its inner courts. HE BROUGHT ME FORTH, quite out to the outmost court, and wall of it, which compassed all the rest of the courts. TOWARD THE GATE WHOSE PROSPECT IS TOWARD THE EAST; to the east gate of the ou... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 42:16

HE, the angel, or Christ in the appearance of a man, MEASURED THE EAST SIDE, from the two opposite angles of the inside north and south, with the measuring reed, which was of six cubits and one hand or three inches. ROUND ABOUT; as EZEKIEL 42:15. The four square was five hundred reeds, that is, each... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 42:19

Here is nothing new added but what is in the 16th verse. I observe that the 16th and 17th verses expressly mention the measuring round about, and why I should doubt it was twice done, when it is related twice, as done from different points, I know not; and then it is easy, and likely enough, that th... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 42:20

HE MEASURED IT, the whole wall, by the four sides, repeating the measure of the whole, according to the number of the sides. IT HAD A WALL; the whole had such a wall: had each side been five hundred reeds, the prophet must in propriety of speech have said THEY, i.e. the sides, not IT, i.e. the whole... [ Continue Reading ]

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