The idolatrous kings of Judah and Israel built, temples and altars for their idols, and these are called their thresholds. The Jews, or people of Judah, and their kings, erected these in the courts, or near the courts., of the temple, and so ill local nearness their threshold was by God's thresholds, and their posts by his, that they were a nuisance to him. And there was but a wall between me and them, that under my eye, and within my hearing, they have with greatest presumption defiled my name. Defiled my holy name; despised my ordinances, corrupted my worship, or forsaken it, used me as if I were neither great nor holy. Abominations; abominable idolatries, and wickednesses not to be named. Committed; acted boldly and openly, against precept, threat, and admonitions. Wherefore I have consumed them; for which sins I brought destruction upon them. The Chaldeans ruined them, but they were the rod of God's anger. In mine anger; in great displeasure and wrath, i.e. in my provoked justice, as Ezekiel 20:13, Ezekiel 22:31.

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