For the prince; for the king, say some; if so, then the door shut was the door, not of the temple, but of the east gate of the priests court. The high priest, and the second priest, say others, and indeed this is most likely. He shall sit: the king might sit before the Lord, others might not, and the priests stood ministering, as Hebrews 10:11. Perhaps the high priest might have some privilege to sit, when others might not. To eat bread: if understood of the king, it was his eating of the sacrifice, that part of it which was allowed to the offerer. If this prince be the high priest, this bread was the show-bread, which it seems he might sit and eat in or near the porch of the gate, whereas other priests were bound to eat in the common refectory, as appears, Ezekiel 42:13. He shall enter; he may, it is his privilege; or he shall, that is, it is his duty to enter at this, and to come out at it, that the people may know which way to look, when they would see their high priest enter to make atonement: which may be mystical, and include our looking to the great High Priest.

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