The prince's part; beside the share he gives to the daily sacrifice in the common charge, Ezekiel 45:16, the prince is bound also on solemnities to give sacrifices out of his own. Burnt-offerings: see Le 1, where these are described. Meat-offerings rings: see Leviticus 2:1, &c. Drink-offerings: see Exodus 30:9 Numbers 15:24 the drink-offering was ever joined with the meat-offering, Numbers 29:11,16,19,22. In the feasts; which he doth particularly recount, as new moons, &c.; of all particularly to treat would be too long. He shall prepare: here lieth the main deciding circumstance, whether the secular or ecclesiastical prince be here intended. Some say this preparing is a sacerdotal act in order to offering; if so, it must be the high priest; but I think they mistake. This preparing is nothing more than on the prince's charge, and by his care, to see that there be such beasts ready at hand as are required at such solemnities; and so it is the secular prince. To make reconciliation: see Ezekiel 45:15. For the house of Israel; all the people.

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