Princes are here in God's name, and by advice from him he made them princes, counselled, exhorted, and commanded. Let it suffice; be content, aim not at more: he who gave no more can make this enough, and he will curse and blast what you indirectly, and by sinful, oppressive crafts, wrest from others. Remove violence; put it far from yourselves, do not you use it, and so discountenance in others, that neither common subjects dare violate one another, nor your officers violate any of them. Spoil; either the same as violence, or the effect of it, violent courses; rob the oppressed and spoil them. Execute judgment; judge righteously, and they look the sentence be executed, for terror to the unjust, and relief of the oppressed. And justice: this is added for emphasis, though the same thing. Exactions; heavy taxes and impositions on estates or trade. My people; whom I must, if you will not, right.

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