The residue of the land, which is a great portion, for it is the remainder of twelve and a half taken out of sixty; so that the remainder will be forty-seven and a half. On the one side; suppose it be the cast side, there will be twenty-three and three quarters. On the other side; on the west just as much, twenty-three and three quarters. Of the possession of the city; the residue of that which is on each side, east and west of the five thousand square area. Over against the five and twenty thousand; which amounts out of the priests, Levites, and city portion. Toward the east border of the land of Canaan; all from the east side of the twenty-five thousand to the utmost bounds eastward, shall be the prince's portion, and so likewise on the west side westward to the great sea. Over against the portions for the prince; these twenty-five thousand on both sides lay over against, or run parallel with, the breadth of the prince's portion, but the length of the prince's portion on each side did exceed the length of the holy portion and the city land, as twenty-three and three quarters exceeds twelve and a half. The sanctuary; the holy mount. Of the house; of the temple of God. In the midst thereof; of the land assigned to the priests, which lay as described, bounded and guarded with the prince's portion at east and west ends.

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