GALATIANS CHAPTER 3 GALATIANS 3:1 Paul asketh what had moved the
Galatians to depend on the law, having already received the Spirit
through faith. GALATIANS 3:6 As Abraham was justified by faith, so
they who are of faith inherit his blessing. GALATIANS 3:10 The law
brought men under a curse, and cou... [ Continue Reading ]
By THE SPIRIT here is understood the gifts of the Spirit, which were
either such as were common to all believers, (such as faith, love,
&c.), or else such as were peculiar to some, and those not all
believers; such were those abilities for miraculous operations given
to some. Some understand this te... [ Continue Reading ]
The doctrine of their false teacthers was, that to faith in Christ, an
obedience also to the law of Moses was necessary to justification;
they did not deny Christ, or the doctrine of the gospel, only they
pleaded for the works of the law as necessary to be superadded. The
apostle calls this first ow... [ Continue Reading ]
There is no doubt but these churches in the regions of Galatia had
their share in the sufferings of Christians by the Jews for their
adherence to and profession of the doctrine of the gospel, which they
might either wholly, or in a great measure, have avoided, would they
have complied with the Jews... [ Continue Reading ]
He had asked them, GALATIANS 3:2, whether they had received the Spirit
by the works of the law, or by hearing the gospel? Some think what he
saith here to be a continuation of the same argument, but it rather
seems a new one: there he spake of their receiving the Spirit, here he
speaks of the minist... [ Continue Reading ]
As Abraham was justified, so must all the children of Abraham; but
ABRAHAM BELIEVED GOD, (that is, agreed to the truth of all those
promises which God gave him, and trusted in God for the fulfilling of
them; for both those acts of the mind are included in believing God),
and so was justified alone.... [ Continue Reading ]
THEY WHICH ARE OF FAITH; those who are believers, and receive Jesus
Christ, as exhibited and tendered to them in the gospel, trusting not
to any righteousness of their own, arising from their obedience to the
works of the law; they ARE THE CHILDREN OF ABRAHAM, considered as the
father of the faithfu... [ Continue Reading ]
The Holy Ghost in Scripture (by whose inspiration the Scripture was
written) foreseeing, or knowing, the counsels and designs of God, that
the heathen (when the fulness of times as to them should come) should
be justified through faith in Christ, preached the same doctrine
before unto Abraham; so as... [ Continue Reading ]
Those that believe in Jesus Christ with such a faith as the gospel
doth require, they, and they alone, are blessed with spiritual
blessings, justified from the guilt of sin, WITH ABRAHAM; that is, in
the same manner that Abraham, the father of the faithful, and who
himself was a believer, was justif... [ Continue Reading ]
The argument is this: Those that are under a curse cannot be under the
blessing of justification: but those that are under the law are under
the curse. This he proves out of the law, DEUTERONOMY 27:26, where
THE BOOK OF THE LAW T... [ Continue Reading ]
The apostle, by another argument, proveth that sinners are not
justified by works. He grants, they may be justified by their good and
blameless living before men, so as that they may have nothing to say
against them, but he says they cannot, by such works, be _justified in
the sight of God._ His arg... [ Continue Reading ]
The law saith nothing of faith in the Mediator; though faith in God be
commanded in the first precept, yet faith in Christ is not commanded
by the law as that by which the soul shall live. For that which the
law saith is: DO THIS AND LIVE: THE MAN THAT DOETH the things
contained in the law, SHALL LI... [ Continue Reading ]
If the law curseth all those who continue not in all things contained
in the law, (as the apostle had said, GALATIANS 3:10, and proved from
DEUTERONOMY 27:26), it might be objected: How will believers then
escape more than others; for none of them continue in all that is
written in the law? The apos... [ Continue Reading ]
The apostle, by THE BLESSING OF ABRAHAM, here, understands those
spiritual blessings of justification, reconciliation, and adoption,
which came to Abraham upon his believing, and the imputation of
righteousness thereupon unto him. _Christ_ (he saith) was _made a
curse for us, _ that all those blessi... [ Continue Reading ]
THOUGH IT BE BUT A MAN'S COVENANT: the word here translated _covenant,
_ diayhkh, is ordinarily translated _testament; _ see MATTHEW 26:28.
It signifies in the general, an ordering or disposing of things; more
specially, a testament; which is the disposition of the testator's
goods after his... [ Continue Reading ]
GENESIS 12:3, GENESIS 22:18; in the one of which places it is said:
_In thee; _ in the other: _In thy seed shall all the nations of the
earth be blessed._ He saith, _promises, _ either because of the
repetition of the same promises, o... [ Continue Reading ]
translated _covenant, _ is the same as before; ordinarily signifying
one's disposal of things in his last will and testament. Which name is
given to the covenant of grace, with respect to the death of Christ;
for though Christ as yet... [ Continue Reading ]
IF THE INHERITANCE of the heavenly Canaan, typified by the earthly
Canaan, the promise of which was made to Abraham, _be_ to be obtained
_by the_ fulfilling of the _law, _ and yielding obedience to it, then
_it is no more of_ the _promise._ It is much the same with what the
apostle said before, ROMA... [ Continue Reading ]
WHEREFORE THEN SERVETH THE LAW? Some might say: To what purpose was
the law given? As if there could be no use of it unless it were
available to justification. IT WAS ADDED BECAUSE OF TRANSGRESSIONS; it
was (saith the apostle) given after the promise, not to supply
something wanting as to justificat... [ Continue Reading ]
This is a text acknowledged by all interpreters to be very obscure;
not so much as considered in itself, (for all know, that a mediator
speaks one that goes in the middle between two persons that are at
odds, so cannot be of one), as in regard of the connection of it with
what went before; where he... [ Continue Reading ]
thus, yet there is no such opposition between the law and the
promises, as that either of them make the other useless. Far be it
from me (saith the apostle) to assert any such thing! They are not
contrary to one another but subser... [ Continue Reading ]
a law, which, if Adam had continued in his estate of innocence, might
have given life; but considering man in his lapsed state, that now is
not possible: ROMANS 2:10: _There is none righteous, no not one:_ and
EPHESIANS 2:3: We ar... [ Continue Reading ]
BEFORE FAITH CAME; before the covenant of grace, or the doctrine of
the gospel, or Christ himself, was revealed. WE WERE KEPT UNDER THE
LAW; the apostle either speaks of all mankind, of whom it is true,
that until God's revelation of the covenant of grace, they had no
other way of salvation made kno... [ Continue Reading ]
THE LAW, both the law contained in ordinances and the moral law, WAS
OUR SCHOOLMASTER; serving us in the same stead that a schoolmaster in
a school doth, who only fitteth children for higher degrees of
learning at universities. TO BRING US UNTO CHRIST: the ceremonial law
showed us Christ in all his... [ Continue Reading ]
After that Christ, the object of saving faith, was in the fulness of
time revealed, and the gospel, which is the doctrine of faith, was
fully revealed and published, the time of our nonage was over.... [ Continue Reading ]
All you that believe, whether native Jews or Gentiles, are the
children of God by adoption, through faith in Jesus Christ, 1
THESSALONIANS 1:12: so that you need not run back to the law to look
for help and salvation from that; but only look unto Christ, to whom
the law was but a schoolmaster to lea... [ Continue Reading ]
BAPTIZED INTO CHRIST, may either be understood of receiving the
sacrament of baptism; which who receiveth, is not only baptized in the
name of Christ, and into the profession of Christ; but is
sacramentally, or in a sign, baptized into Christ; or else (which,
considering what followeth, seemeth much... [ Continue Reading ]
THERE IS NEITHER JEW NOR GREEK; in the business or justification, the
case of Jews and Greeks is the same. This he saith, that the Galatians
might not think themselves disadvantaged from their not being under
the law, as the schoolmaster that should lead them unto Christ. THERE
IS NEITHER BOND NOR F... [ Continue Reading ]
Lest these Galatians should be discouraged, because the promise was
made to Abraham and his seed, and they were not the seed of Abraham;
he tells them, if they were Christ s, that is, if they truly believed
in him, and were implanted into him, that then they were the seed of
Abraham, that seed to wh... [ Continue Reading ]