Galatians 5:1

GALATIANS CHAPTER 5 GALATIANS 5:1 Paul exhorteth the Galatians to maintain their Christian liberty, GALATIANS 5:2 and showeth that by being circumcised they would forfeit their hopes in Christ, GALATIANS 5:7 he disclaimeth the preaching of circumcision himself, and condemneth it in others. GALATIANS... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:2

It is manifest that the apostle is speaking here concerning circumcision, looked upon as necessary to justification, now under the gospel state. For under the Old Testament undoubtedly Christ profited the fathers, though circumcised; yea, Christ undoubtedly profiled Timothy, even under the gospel, t... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:3

This must be understood either of the Gentiles only, who were never under any obligation to circumcision, or of such as were circumcised, with an opinion that it was necessary at this time to justification and salvation. Of these the apostle saith, that by this they made themselves _debtors to do th... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:4

The word here translated BECOME OF NO EFFECT, is used ROMANS 3:3. By those who ARE JUSTIFIED BY THE LAW, are to be understood such as seek or desire to be justified by the law, for actually none is so justified. The sense is: Whoever seeketh to be justified by the works of the law, he disclaimeth th... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:5

FOR WE; we Christians, who have truly embraced Christ; or, (as others think), we that are turned from Judaism to Christianity, and so are more concerned in the law, which was not given to the Gentiles, but to us Jews: yet, THROUGH THE SPIRIT, by the guidance and direction or the Spirit, or through t... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:6

Under the new testament established in Christ, and confirmed by the death of Christ, there is no difference between Jew and Gentile; there is but one way of justification, one of salvation, for them both; and that is, by believing in Christ Jesus; which faith is not an idle, inactive, inoperative fa... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:7

This was once your faith, your profession, and according to this you directed the course of your life and actions; who hath hindered you in your course, or turned you out of your way, or given you a check in your race; and hath made you disobedient to, or to swerve from, the truth which you formerly... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:8

THIS PERSUASION; this new opinion into which seducers have misled you, which, by embracing it, you have made yours. COMETH NOT OF HIM THAT CALLETH YOU; is not from God, who hath called you out of darkness into marvellous light, unto fellowship with himself, into a state of grace and favour with him,... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:9

This is a proverbial expression, which (as others of that nature) is applicable in more cases than one. The apostle made use of it, 1 CORINTHIANS 5:6, to persuade that church to purge their communion, by casting out the incestuous person: he maketh use of it here to persuade them to take heed of adm... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:10

I HAVE CONFIDENCE IN YOU THROUGH THE LORD, THAT YE WILL BE NONE OTHERWISE MINDED: the apostle (according to his usual method) sweeteneth his sharp reproof of this church for their deviations from the faith of the gospel, with a declaration of his good opinion of them; declaring that he had a confide... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:11

It should seem by what the apostle saith in this verse, that some of these false teachers had quoted the apostle for them, as if he himself had preached circumcision; possibly taking advantage from his circumcising Timothy, not distinguishing between what was done by Paul as of liberty, and to avoid... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:12

I wish that God would some way or other put an end to these that trouble you. This Paul speaketh not out of hatred to their persons, but out of a zeal to the glory of God, and a just indignation against these men, who had so much hindered the salvation of the members of this church. And it is not im... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:13

YE HAVE BEEN CALLED UNTO LIBERTY; a liberty from the covenant of the law, and the curse of the law, as GALATIANS 3:13; from servile fear, as LUKE 1:74; and from sin, ROMANS 6:7. ONLY USE NOT LIBERTY FOR AN OCCASION TO THE FLESH; but you must take heed that you do not abuse this liberty by making it... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:14

The whole will of God, containing our duty towards men, is reducible to this one thing, _love; _ for whatsoever God hath commanded us to do towards men, is but a brauch from this root, and must flow from love as its principle. Or, the whole will of God concerning man is fulfilled in this one thing o... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:15

This lets us know, that there were great contentions and divisions amongst the members of this church, whether (which is probable) occasioned by their differences in and about the doctrine of justification, or upon other accounts, we are not told; but upon whatever account they were raised, they wer... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:16

WALK IN THE SPIRIT; the apostle having, GALATIANS 5:13, cautioned them against turning the grace of God into wantonness, by using their liberty as an occasion to the flesh; here he directeth them to the best means for the avoiding thereof, viz. WALKING IN THE SPIRIT. Where by _Spirit_ he doth not me... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:17

OLBGrk; By THE FLESH and THE SPIRIT, we cannot so much understand the sensitive and rational appetite; for these two appetites are not so contrary, but that in many things they agree well enough; and we are enemies not only in our sensitive part, to spiritual things, but en th dianoia, in our mind a... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:18

To be LED OF THE SPIRIT, and to _walk in the Spirit, _ are the same thing; and differ only as the cause and the effect. To be UNDER THE LAW, is to be under the curse of it, or coaction of it, and an obligation to the performance of the ceremonial law. The reason is, because the Spirit is a Spirit of... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:19

THE WORKS OF THE FLESH; the products of the natural inclinations and propensions in the heart of man. ARE MANIFEST, WHICH ARE THESE; he saith, these are _manifest, _ the filthiness of them appears by the light of nature, by the checks of conscience men meet with for them; or else, it is manifest tha... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:20

IDOLATRY; either the worshipping of the creature for God, or the worshipping of God in and by the creature, as by images, &c. WITCHCRAFT; the product of compacts with the devil; by virtue of which, the persons so contracting are assisted by the power of evil spirits to produce effects beside the ord... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:21

ENVYINGS; repinings at that good which is enjoyed by our brethren: MURDERS; unjust taking away the lives of others, with any actions tending or subservient thereunto: _drunkenness; _ immoderate drinkings: REVELLINGS, AND SUCH LIKE; immoderate eatings; all abuses of the creatures of God beyond necess... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:22

THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT; those habits which the Holy Spirit of God produceth in those in whom it dwelleth and worketh, with those acts which flow from them, as naturally as the tree produceth its fruit, are, LOVE to God, and to our neighbours: JOY; the soul's satisfaction in its union with God, as t... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:23

MEEKNESS; forbearance of passion, rash anger, and hastiness of spirit: TEMPERANCE; a sober use of meats, drinks, apparel, or any thing wherein our senses are delighted. Many of these are moral virtues, and such as some have attained to by moral discipline, the cultivating of their natures by educati... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:24

THEY THAT ARE CHRIST S; those who are ingrafted into Christ by faith, united to him, and so his members; HAVE CRUCIFIED THE FLESH; by virtue of a power derived from the cross of Christ, have got their unregenerate part in a great measure mortified; WITH THE AFFECTIONS AND LUSTS; with the inordinate... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:25

IF WE LIVE IN THE SPIRIT; if (as we profess) there is a union between the Holy Spirit of God and us, so as that Holy Spirit is to its the principle of our life, and we live more from him than from any principle in ourselves; LET US ALSO WALK IN THE SPIRIT; let us manage all our conversation accordin... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 5:26

LET US NOT BE DESIROUS OF VAIN-GLORY: ambition or vain-glory is a natural corruption, disposing us to boast and commend ourselves, and to seek the honour and applause of men. PROVOKING ONE ANOTHER; this is an effect of the former, disposing us, out of hope of victory, to challenge others to a contes... [ Continue Reading ]

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