Galatians 6:1

GALATIANS CHAPTER 6 GALATIANS 6:1 Paul adviseth them to reform the faulty with gentleness, GALATIANS 6:2 and to bear one another's burdens. GALATIANS 6:3 A caution against vanity. GALATIANS 6:6 He exhorteth to be liberal toward spiritual instructors, GALATIANS 6:9 and not to be weary in doing good,... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 6:2

BEAR YE ONE ANOTHER'S BURDENS; it is a general precept, and may be either understood with reference to what he had said in the former verse, so it hints our duty: though we discern our brethren to have fallen into some sin or error, yet if we discern that they are sensible of their lapse, and their... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 6:3

It is a general maxim, and the truth of it is obvious to every one that readeth it, for supposing a man to be NOTHING of what he thinks himself to be, he must needs DECEIVE HIMSELF in nourishing and entertaining such an opinion of himself. For the dependence of it upon what the apostle had said befo... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 6:4

LET EVERY MAN PROVE HIS OWN WORK: the apostle, by a man's OWN WORK here, understands his own actions and manners, which he would have every man to busy himself to search, try, and examine by the Divine rule, whether they be conformable to the will of God, yea or no; AND THEN, he saith, SHALL HE HAVE... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 6:5

That is, God will judge every man in the last day, according not to what others have done, but to what he himself hath done, 1 CORINTHIANS 3:8. Therefore every one is concerned to PROVE HIS OWN WORK; for at last his eternal joy and rejoicing, or sorrow and mourning, shall be according to what he him... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 6:6

LET HIM THAT IS TAUGHT IN THE WORD: the word here translated _taught, _ signifieth catechised; and is the same word from which that word is derived; but it here signifieth _taught, _ catechising being but a mode or species of teaching. COMMUNICATE UNTO HIM THAT TEACHETH IN ALL GOOD THINGS; the prece... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 6:7

BE NOT DECEIVED; GOD IS NOT MOCKED: this to terrify those who find out vain and false excuses to save their purses; he adviseth them not to cheat themselves, for though they might deceive men, yet they could not deceive the all-seeing and heart-searching God. FOR WHATSOEVER A MAN SOWETH, THAT SHALL... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 6:8

FOR HE THAT SOWETH TO HIS FLESH; he that layeth out his estate, or spendeth his time and talents, for the gratifying of the flesh; SHALL OF THE FLESH REAP CORRUPTION; shall or may reap some carnal satisfaction, of a corruptible, dying, perishing nature. BUT HE THAT SOWETH TO THE SPIRIT; but he who l... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 6:9

LET US NOT BE WEARY IN WELL DOING: we have the same precept, 2 THESSALONIANS 3:13. As the not executing of judgment speedily imboldens sinners, and encourageth them to go on in courses of sin, so God's delaying the rewards of the righteous, often proveth a temptation to good men to be weary of well... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 6:10

AS WE HAVE THEREFORE OPPORTUNITY; as we have objects before us, or as God gives us time and ability. LET US DO GOOD UNTO ALL MEN; let it be our business to harm none, but to supply the necessities of all men; either with our spiritual advice and counsels, with all the assistance we can give them tha... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 6:11

Paul made use of the hands of others in the writing some others of the Epistles, as appears from ROMANS 16:22, and sometimes he himself only wrote the salutation, 1 CORINTHIANS 16:21: but he tells them he wrote this Epistle to them wholly with his own hand, that he might thereby more commend his lov... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 6:12

The apostle here reflecteth upon those false teachers who had perverted this church, and discovereth their hypocrisy under all their pretences of good will to them. These are those who (he saith) desired TO MAKE A FAIR SHOW IN THE FLESH; that is, to make a fair show to the world, as men very devout,... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 6:13

In this the hypocrisy of your false teachers discovereth itself, that whereas, by their being circumcised, they had declared themselves debtors to the whole law, and under an obligation entirely to keep it if they would be saved, yet they themselves did not keep it; only they were very zealous for t... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 6:14

For my part I have no such ends, I have no ambition to glory in you as my converts; all that I desire to glory in, is in the doctrine of the gospel, and my sufferings for the propagation of it, and my conformity to Christ in suffering for preaching the gospel. By the cross of Christ THE WORLD IS CRU... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 6:15

Under the gospel state as settled by Christ, with reference to salvation, it is of no moment whether a man be a Jew or a Gentile; but whether a man be regenerated or not, and be renewed by the Holy Ghost, so as old things with him be passed away, and all things be become new. He had said the same, G... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 6:16

AND AS MANY AS WALK ACCORDING TO THIS RULE; he either meaneth the rule of Scripture, the whole word of God; or the doctrine which he had taught them throughout this Epistle, or what he had said in the words immediately going before, where the apostle had given them this rule, not to regard either ci... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 6:17

LET NO MAN TROUBLE ME, either with questions about circumcision, or with imputations as if I were a friend to their opinion, of the necessity of adding to the doctrine of faith, circumcision and other observances of the law. FOR I BEAR IN MY BODY THE MARKS OF THE LORD JESUS; I sufficiently declare m... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 6:18

The apostle closeth this Epistle with this prayer, as he generally concludeth all his Epistles, with wishing them grace, THE GRACE OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST; under which he comprehendeth all the effects of the free love of God upon believers souls, for the sake, and in and through the merits, of the... [ Continue Reading ]

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