Genesis 10:1

GENESIS CHAPTER 10 Noah's posterity, GENESIS 10:1. Sons of Japheth, GENESIS 10:2. Of Ham, GENESIS 10:2; among whom Nimrod the first monarch and tyrant; he reigns in Babel, &c., GENESIS 10:10. Asshur builds Nineveh, &c., GENESIS 10:11. Sons of Canaan, GENESIS 10:15. Their border, GENESIS 10:19. Of Sh... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 10:2

JAPHETH S portion was at first Asia the Less, and afterwards by degrees all Europe, and the northern parts of Asia. This is he so much celebrated among the Greeks by the name of Japetus. GOMER S posterity are reckoned among the northern people, EZEKIEL 38:6, and were seated in the northern parts of... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 10:3

ASHKENAZ, whose seed possessed Pontus and Bithynia, and the neighbouring parts, from whom they took the names of the lake and haven called Ascanius, and the sea called Axenus, or Euxinus. RIPHATH is called _Diphath,_ 1 CHRONICLES 1:6; the letters _Daleth_ and _Resh_ being oft interchanged, as we sha... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 10:4

ELISHAH, the father of the Grecians properly so called, who have preserved his name and remembrance in the cities Elis and Elissus, in a tract of ground called Elias, and in the Elysian fields. And from these came the \'c6olians, a people of the Lesser Asia, where many of the Grecian colonies were s... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 10:5

THE ISLES OF THE GENTILES; not _isles_ properly so called; for why should they, having their choice, forsake the continent for islands, and thereby cut off themselves from their brethren? And where had they ships to transport them? But the word _isles_ here and elsewhere signifies all those countrie... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 10:6

The posterity of HAM were disposed into the parts south from Babel, both in Asia and Africa. See 1 CHRONICLES 4:40 PSALMS 105:27. CUSH was father both of the Ethiopians and the Arabians; who, as it seems, sent forth a colony from themselves more eastward, even near to India. See GENESIS 2:13 2 KINGS... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 10:7

SEBA; or, _Saba, _ or _Sheba, _ whose seed were the Sabeans in Arabia the Desert; see PSALMS 72:10 ISAIAH 43:3; and, as some think, the Abyssines in Africa. HAVILAH, the father of the inhabitants of _the land of Havilah, _ mentioned GENESIS 2:11; a land in the most eastern part of Arabia, this being... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 10:9

HE WAS A MIGHTY HUNTER, first of beasts, and by that occasion of men. For when men were few, and lived dispersedly, and wild beasts abounded, and most of all in those parts, by hunting and destroying of those beasts he got much reputation and favour with men, who thereby were secured in their dwelli... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 10:10

THE BEGINNING OF HIS KINGDOM, i.e. either his chief and royal city, or the place where his dominion began, and from whence it was extended to other parts. BABEL; which being not built till the confusion of languages, GENESIS 11:4, showeth that this, though here mentioned upon occasion of the genealo... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 10:11

ASSHUR; a man so called: either, 1. Asshur the son of Shem, who forsook the land, either being forced by or weary of Nimrod's tyranny and impiety, and erected another kingdom. But it is not probable either that Moses would here relate an exploit of a man whose birth is not mentioned till GENESIS 10... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 10:12

Either, 1. NINEVEH, which is called a GREAT CITY, JONAH 3:3, JONAH 4:11; and indeed was so, being sixty miles in compass. Thus it is a trajection, and the relative is referred to the remoter noun, as sometimes is done, though this seems to be a little forced. Or, 2. RESEN; so the meaning is, though... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 10:13

Of LUDIM and the following names here and GENESIS 10:14, observe two things: 1. They are not the names of persons, but of people or nations; and the word _father_ is here understood; _Ludim, _ for the father of the people called _Ludim, _ and so the rest. 2. That they are the several nations dwell... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 10:14

PATHRUSIM, the inhabitants of Pathros; of which see ISAIAH 11:11 JEREMIAH 44:1, JEREMIAH 44:15, EZEKIEL 29:14. OUT OF WHOM CAME PHILISTIM: the meaning is, they came out of his loins, or were his offspring, which might be true; though afterwards we find them seated amongst the offspring of Canaan, ha... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 10:15

SIDON HIS FIRST-BORN, the father of the people, and builder of the city of Sidon, JOSHUA 11:8, JOSHUA 19:28. Of HETH came the Hittites, JOSHUA 1:4, JOSHUA 9:1, &c.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 10:19

FROM SIDON, i.e. the city and country of Sidon, on the north-west. UNTO GAZA, on the south-west. ZEBOIM, on the south and south-east. LASHA, on the north-east.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 10:21

OF ALL THE CHILDREN OF EBER, i.e. of the Hebrews, the only church and people of God when Moses wrote, who are called EBER, NUMBERS 24:24, as here, _the children of Eber._ And he is here called the father of them peculiarly, though he had other children, because he was their father not only by natura... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 10:22

Of ELAM came the Elamites or Persians: see GENESIS 14:9 ISAIAH 21:2 JEREMIAH 49:34 DANIEL 8:2 ACTS 2:9. ASSHUR was father of the Assyrians: see GENESIS 10:11. Of ARPHAXAD the Chaldeans, as many conceive; or, as others, the inhabitants of that part of Assyria, from him called Arphaxitis, which Ptolem... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 10:25

IN HIS DAYS; either, 1. In the time of his birth, whence he was so called. Or, 2. Afterwards in the time of life. So his father gave him this name by the Spirit of prophecy, foreseeing this great event, and the time of it; this being no unusual thing in Scripture, as we shall hereafter see, to giv... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 10:26

From ALMODAD and the rest of _Joktan s_ sons here mentioned, come either, 1. The various nations of India, as most think; or rather, 2. The several people that live in the innermost parts of Arabia, who profess themselves the posterity of Joktan, and have a city near Mecca called Jectan. And the H... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 10:29

OPHIR; either that in India, of which see 1 KINGS 9:28, 1 KINGS 10:11 22:48; or the other in Arabia, of which see JOB 22:24, JOB 28:16. See also PSALMS 45:9 ISAIAH 13:12. HAVILAH, a distinct person from him GENESIS 10:7.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 10:30

These places were either, 1. In India, where there are places called by Ptolemy and Pliny, Maesae, and Saparum, and Sabara. Or rather, 2. In Arabia, where there was a noted port called Musa; and near it, and eastward from it, a people called Sapharitae, and a royal city called Saphar; from whence... [ Continue Reading ]

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