Which have not known man, to wit, carnally. See Genesis 24:16 Numbers 31:18 Judges 11:39. Do ye to them as is good in your eyes, whatsoever your purpose or pleasure is. See the same phrase Genesis 20:15, Genesis 41:37 Numbers 24:1, &c. A most imprudent and sinful motion, whereby he yielded to one sin to prevent another, contrary to Romans 3:8, and exposed his daughters chastity, which he was obliged to preserve, and which indeed he had no power to expose, especially seeing they were betrothed to other men, Genesis 19:14. But it is some extenuation of his sin that it proceeded from his great charity and kindness to strangers, and that he was at this time under a great perturbation and discomposure of mind. For therefore, that they might be preserved from such outrages. This was the design of the thing, though not of those persons. See Poole on "Genesis 18:5". Under the shadow of my roof, i.e. under the protection of my house. Shadow is oft put for protection or defence, as Judges 9:15 Psalms 36:7 Jeremiah 48:45.

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