Genesis 20:1

GENESIS CHAPTER 20 Abraham sojourns in Gerar, GENESIS 20:1; denies Sarah to be his wife: Abimelech sends and takes her, GENESIS 20:2. God warns Abimelech in a dream, GENESIS 20:3. He expostulates with God, who answers and commands him to restore Sarah, GENESIS 20:4. Abimelech warns his servants, GEN... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 20:2

ABRAHAM SAID this lest they should slay him for his beautiful wife's sake, as himself tells us, GENESIS 20:11. For though Sarah was ninety years old, yet she retained her beauty in good measure, partly, because she had not been broken by bearing and nursing of children; partly, because in that age o... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 20:3

God then used to manifest his mind in dreams, not only to his people, but even to heathens for their sakes, or in things wherein they were concerned. THOU ART BUT A DEAD MAN, thou deservest a present and untimely death; and if thou proceedest in thy intended wickedness, it shall be inflicted upon th... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 20:4

ABIMELECH HAD NOT COME NEAR HER, i.e. had not yet lain with her. A modest expression, like that of _knowing_ a woman, GENESIS 4:1, or _going_ in to her, GENESIS 6:4, or _touching_ her, PROVERBS 6:29 1 CORINTHIANS 7:1, by which we are taught to use modesty in our speeches, and not, with the rude cyni... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 20:5

Without any adulterous design in my heart, or outward actions tending to it, being wholly ignorant of what thou now informest me.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 20:6

I KNOW that thou didst not this knowingly and maliciously, but imprudently and inconsiderately, which is indeed an extenuation of thy sin, though not a total excuse. Compare 1 KINGS 9:4 1 CHRONICLES 29:1. I ALSO WITHHELD THEE, partly by my restraining grace, and partly by my powerful providence, and... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 20:7

HE IS A PROPHET, a person very dear to me, and familiarly acquainted with me, and therefore the injuries done to him I take as done to myself. See PSALMS 105:15. HE SHALL PRAY FOR THEE, which is one part of a prophet's work, JEREMIAH 14:11, JEREMIAH 15:1. THOU SHALT SURELY DIE, THOU, AND ALL THAT AR... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 20:9

WHAT HAST THOU DONE UNTO US? How great a danger hast thou exposed us to! A GREAT SIN: even the heathens, who thought fornication harmless, judge adultery to be a very great and heinous crime. See GENESIS 38:24 LEVITICUS 20:10 EZEKIEL 16:38, EZEKIEL 23:45,47. Or, _a great punishment, _ as this word i... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 20:11

THE FEAR OF GOD IS NOT IN THIS PLACE, i.e. true piety, or the knowledge of the true God, which is the only effectual restraint from the grossest wickedness.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 20:12

SHE IS MY SISTER, my near kinswoman; even as Lot upon the same account is called Abraham's brother, GENESIS 13:8. SHE IS THE DAUGHTER OF MY FATHER, i.e. the granddaughter; for grandchildren are commonly called the sons and daughters of their grandparents, as GENESIS 31:28 EXODUS 2:18. And besides, h... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 20:13

TO WANDER. This word he useth because God did not direct him to any certain place, but sent him out he knew not whither, HEBREWS 11:8. And being to travel and sojourn amongst persons of divers tempers and manners, and all pagans, he thought this equivocal expression convenient for his security.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 20:16

THY BROTHER; a sharp rebuke and irony: q.d. he whom thou didst miscall thy brother. A THOUSAND PIECES OF SILVER, to wit, shekels, which is commonly understood when a sum of silver or gold is indefinitely mentioned, as NUMBERS 7:13,85 2 SAMUEL 18:12 2 KINGS 6:25. HE IS TO THEE A COVERING OF THE EYES,... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 20:18

This phrase elsewhere notes barrenness, as 1 SAMUEL 1:5,6, and so many understand it here. Against which some learned men object that that could not so soon be discovered, for all this happened between the conception and birth of Isaac. Which objection may seem not valid, because the evidences of wo... [ Continue Reading ]

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