Thy brother; a sharp rebuke and irony: q.d. he whom thou didst miscall thy brother. A thousand pieces of silver, to wit, shekels, which is commonly understood when a sum of silver or gold is indefinitely mentioned, as Numbers 7:13,85 2 Samuel 18:12 2 Kings 6:25. He is to thee a covering of the eyes, i.e. a protection to thee from the wanton eyes and attempts of others, whilst they know thee to be the wife of another man, and he such a one whom they reverence and fear; and therefore thou didst take a very wrong course to disown him, whereby thou didst expose thyself to great danger. Or, this is to thee, & c., i.e. this I give to thee to buy thee a veil, wherewith thou mayst cover thy face, as it is fit and usual for married persons to do. Compare Genesis 24:65 1 Corinthians 11:3,6,7,10. Unto all that are with thee; unto all that here live with thee, or near thee, and with all men whomsoever. Thus she was reproved, or admonished to be more circumspect for the future; or, and be thou admonished; for they may be the words of Abimelech.

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