Genesis 21:1

GENESIS CHAPTER 21 God visits Sarah; she conceives and bears a son, GENESIS 21:1,2. He is named Isaac, GENESIS 21:3; circumcised the eighth day, GENESIS 21:4. Sarah's joy and thanks, GENESIS 21:6,7. Abraham makes a feast at the weaning of Isaac, GENESIS 21:8. Ishmael mocks; Sarah sees it, GENESIS 21... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 21:6

Before, my own distrustful heart made me to laugh, now God makes me laugh, not through diffidence and irreverence, as before, GENESIS 18:12, but through excess of holy joy. ALL THAT HEAR WILL LAUGH WITH ME; or, _at me; _ some through sympathy rejoicing with me and for me, laughter being oft put for... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 21:7

What man or woman could believe so improbable a thing? Or, who but a God could have foreseen and foretold it? She saith CHILDREN, though she had but one child, either by a usual enallage of the plural number for the singular, whereby the word _sons_ or _daughters_ is used when there was but one, as... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 21:8

It doth not appear how old Isaac was, because the time for the weaning of children is very various, according to the differing tempers and necessities of children, or inclination of parents; and in those times, when men's lives were longer than now they are, proportionably the time was longer ere ch... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 21:9

Signifying either by words or gestures his contempt of Isaac, and his derision of all that magnificence then showed towards his younger brother. And this carriage proceeding from a most envious and malicious disposition, and being a sufficient indication of further mischief intended to him, if ever... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 21:10

_ 1892_ She was enraged by this fact, and perceived it was but a beginning and earnest of greater evil designed by him against her beloved Isaac; being also guided by the wise counsel and providence of God, as appears from GENESIS 21:12. Though the fact was done by Ishmael, yet Sarah plainly saw tha... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 21:11

Because of his tender affection to him, and God's promise concerning him. See GENESIS 17:18,20. He who cheerfully parted with Isaac, was hardly brought to part with Ishmael, because the former was done by God's command, which he was obliged to obey; the latter by the passion of an enraged woman, whe... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 21:12

Thus Abraham had better authority for his divorce from Hagar than he had for his marriage with her, GENESIS 16:2. THY SEED, to wit, the promised Seed, the heir of thy estate, covenant, and promises, the progenitor of my church and people, and particularly of the Messias. CALLED, i.e. reputed and val... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 21:14

He who before doubted and lingered to do it when Sarah's passion suggested it, when once he understands it to be God's will, he makes haste to execute it. An excellent example of prudence and piety. BREAD, by which may be here understood all necessaries, as ZECHARIAH 1:7,12 MT 6:11 14:15, compared w... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 21:15

Not as if she carried him in her arms, or upon her shoulders, for he was now about eighteen years old; but being weak and faint, and no doubt much dejected in spirit upon the prospect of his desolate and distressed condition, she was forced to support and lead him by the hand; but now, despairing of... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 21:16

Who wept? Either Hagar, for the verb is of the feminine gender; or the lad, as the words following seem to intimate. And for the change of the genders, that is not unfrequent in Scripture use.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 21:17

God heard his cries, though not flowing from true repentance, but extorted from him by his pressing calamity. Though he be in a vast and desolate wilderness, yet my eye is upon him, and I will take care of him.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 21:19

Not that her eyes were shut or blind before, but she saw not the well before; either because it was at some distance, or because her eyes were full of tears, and her mind distracted and heedless through excessive grief and fear; or because God withheld her eyes that she might not see it without his... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 21:20

i.e. A skilful hunter of beasts, and warrior with men too, according to the prediction, GENESIS 16:12. For the bow was a principal instrument in war, as well as in hunting, GENESIS 48:22, GENESIS 49:23,24. And these two professions oft went together. See GENESIS 10:9.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 21:21

IN THE WILDERNESS OF PARAN; in the borders of that wilderness, by comparing GENESIS 14:6, for the innermost parts of it were uninhabitable by men or beasts, as ancient writers note. HIS MOTHER TOOK HIM A WIFE; by which we see both the obligation that lies upon parents, and the right that is invested... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 21:23

THAT THOU WILT NOT DEAL FALSELY WITH ME; that thou wilt not do me any hurt or injury; Heb. _That thou wilt not lie unto me; _ i.e. as thou hast formerly professed kindness and friendship to me, give me thy oath to assure me that thou wilt be true and constant to thy own professions.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 21:24

QUEST. How could Abraham lawfully swear this, when Canaan was given by God to him and his seed for ever? ANSW. Neither Abraham nor his seed had any present and actual right to the possession of the land, but only the promise of a right in it, and possession of it after some hundreds of years, and th... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 21:25

That the foundation of true friendship might be firmly laid, and the peace inviolably observed, he removes an impediment to it, an occasion of quarrel and just exception on Abraham's part. A WELL OF WATER in those hot and dry countries was of great esteem and necessity. Compare GENESIS 26:19 JUDGES... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 21:26

By which he wisely and truly suggests, that Abraham should not have smothered the grudge in his mind so long time, but should instantly have reproved him for it, and endeavoured a speedy redress, which hereby he intimates that he was ready to give.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 21:27

ABRAHAM GAVE THEM UNTO ABIMELECH; partly, as an acknowledgment to him for his former favour and friendship; partly, as an assurance of his sincere friendship, both present and for the future, of his acquiescence in his answer about the well; and partly, for sacrifice, and for the usual rite in makin... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 21:32

_ 1891_ i.e. Into their part of that land, to wit, Gerar, which was not far from this place. It is a usual synecdoche, whereby the whole land is put for a part of it; otherwise they were at this time in that land.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 21:33

ABRAHAM PLANTED A GROVE, not so much for shade, which yet was pleasant and necessary in these hot regions, as for religious use, that he might retire thither from the noise of worldly business, and freely converse with his Maker. Which practice of his was afterwards abused to superstition and idolat... [ Continue Reading ]

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