GENESIS CHAPTER 24 Abraham's age and prosperity, GENESIS 24:1. He
makes his eldest servant swear not to take a wife for his son Isaac of
the Canaanites, but of his own kindred, GENESIS 24:2. The servant
inquires into the nature and condition of the oath, GENESIS 24:5.
Abraham expresses his faith in... [ Continue Reading ]
ceremony was used in swearing, as now, so anciently in the eastern
parts, as GENESIS 47:29, either as a testimony of subjection, and
promise of faithful service, for this rite was used only by inferiors
towards superiors; or, as som... [ Continue Reading ]
i.e. Not persuade nor engage my son to take; for Isaac, though forty
years old, was not only willing to be governed by his father in this
affair, but also to hearken to the counsel of this wise and faithful
servant, of whom both his father and himself had such long and large
experience. He knew that... [ Continue Reading ]
MY COUNTRY, i.e. Mesopotomia, GENESIS 24:10, which being largely taken
for the country between those two famous rivers Euphrates and Tigris,
from which situation it hath that name; so Chaldea, whence Abraham
came, GENESIS 11:31, GENESIS 12:1, was a part of it. MY KINDRED, the
family of Nahor, concer... [ Continue Reading ]
Note here the prudence and piety of this good man, who, before he
would take an oath, doth diligently inquire into the nature and
conditions of it, and expressly mentioneth that exception which might
seem to be of course supposed in it.... [ Continue Reading ]
In case she will not come hither, do not thou engage that he shall go
thither. Why so?
1. Because there was more danger of infection from his wife and her
kindred, because of their friendly, and familiar, and constant
converse with him, than from the Canaanites, who were strangers to
him, and lived... [ Continue Reading ]
HE SHALL SEND HIS ANGEL BEFORE THEE, to direct and succeed thee in
this enterprise. Compare EXODUS 14:19, EXODUS 23:20. THOU SHALT TAKE A
WIFE UNTO MY SON FROM THENCE; I doubt not of the success. He might say
so, either by rational conjecture, both from the nature of the thing,
and from the constant... [ Continue Reading ]
THOU SHALT BE CLEAR from the obligation of this oath, and from the
penalties of the violation of it.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE GOODS OF HIS MASTER WERE IN HIS HAND, i.e. in his power to take,
without particular orders, what he thought fit and necessary, either
for his own use, or for the promotion of the present business. THE
CITY OF NAHOR was Haran, by comparing GENESIS 28:10, GENESIS 29:4.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
Or, _mercy._ He makes no mention of himself, nor of the merits of his
master, but he ascribes even temporal blessings, and much more eternal
salvation, merely to God's mercy.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
That this was not a rash and vain fancy, but a special expectation and
confidence wrought in him by God's Spirit, appears both by the eminent
prudence and godliness of this person, and by the exact correspondency
of the event with his prayer, and by parallel examples, as JUDGES 6:36
1 SAMUEL 6:7, 1... [ Continue Reading ]
According to the manner of the first and purest ages of the world,
wherein humility and diligence, not, as in this degeneration of the
world, pomp and idleness, were the ornaments of that sex and age. See
GENESIS 18:6, GENESIS 29:9,18,20 EXO 2:16 PROVERBS 31:27.... [ Continue Reading ]
She was a virgin not only in title and show, but in truth, for no man
had known her, i.e. corrupted her.... [ Continue Reading ]
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SHE SAID, DRINK, MY LORD; for his retinue showed him to be a person of
more than ordinary quality.... [ Continue Reading ]
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No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE MAN WONDERED AT HER, i.e. at the wonderful providence of God, and
the eminent answer of his prayer.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE MAN TOOK, i.e. gave to her, (as that word of _taking, _ or
_receiving, _ is oft used, as GENESIS 12:19 EXODUS 18:12, EXODUS 29:25
PSALMS 68:18, compared with EPHESIANS 4:8), A GOLDEN EARRING; so the
word signifies, GENESIS 35:4 EXODUS 32:2,3. Or, _jewels for the
forehead, _ which hung down from... [ Continue Reading ]
AND SAID, or, _for he had said; _ for it is probable he inquired who
she was before he gave her those presents.... [ Continue Reading ]
So she signifies that she was Nahor's daughter, not by his concubine,
but by his lawful and principal wife.... [ Continue Reading ]
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Giving thanks to God for his marvellous assistance hitherto, and
begging the continuance of his presence and blessing.... [ Continue Reading ]
HIS MERCY AND HIS TRUTH, i.e. who hath showed his _mercy_ in promising
all manner of blessings, and his _truth_ in performing his promises at
this day. Or, it is a figure called _hendyadis, _ for _true mercy:_ q.
d. he hath not only been kind to him in show, and in words, but in
real and considerabl... [ Continue Reading ]
Not OF HER FATHER'S HOUSE; either because her father was now dead, and
Bethuel, who is hereafter mentioned, was not Laban's father, but his
brother so called; or because the women had distinct apartments in the
houses, and she went first thither according to her custom.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
COME IN, THOU BLESSED OF THE LORD, i.e. whom God hath so eminently
favoured and blessed.... [ Continue Reading ]
Of which custom, see GENESIS 18:4.... [ Continue Reading ]
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No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
i.e. Hath purposed and promised, and doth by me engage that he will
give. Things are oft said to be done, in Scripture language, when they
will certainly and shortly be done.... [ Continue Reading ]
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No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
BEFORE WHOM I WALK, in obedience to all his commands, and in hearty
trust in his promises and gracious providence towards me and mine.... [ Continue Reading ]
CLEAR FROM THIS MY OATH; Heb. _from my curse, _ denounced against thee
if thou shouldst violate thine oath. The words _oath_ and _curse_ are
ofttimes indifferently used, because they commonly go together, and
sometimes they are both expressed, as NUMBERS 5:21.... [ Continue Reading ]
i.e. The design or course in which I am engaged, as the word _way_ is
frequently used.... [ Continue Reading ]
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No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
First he asks who she was, then he gives the gifts to her; which is
the right order, and is here observed in the repetition; which was
inverted in the first relation, GENESIS 24:22,23.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
If you will show true kindness and real friendship to him in giving
your daughter to his son, TELL ME; AND IF NOT, TELL ME, that I may
look out a wife for him elsewhere. It is a proverbial expression,
NUMBERS 20:17, NUMBERS 22:26 DEUTERONOMY 2:27.... [ Continue Reading ]
Laban is put first, either because this Bethuel was not his father,
but his younger brother, as Josephus thinks; or because Laban was the
chief manager of this business, to whom his father seems to have
committed the care of his family, being himself unfit for it through
age or infirmity. THE THING... [ Continue Reading ]
REBEKAH IS BEFORE THEE, i.e. in thy power and disposal; as this phrase
is taken, GENESIS 20:15, and elsewhere.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
The precious fruits of the land from which he came; see DEUTERONOMY
33:13, &c.; or in general, other rare and excellent things. In those
days men gave portions for their wives, as now they have portions with
them.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
Others thus, _a year, or_ at the least _ten_ months, the word _days_
being put for a year, as elsewhere. But it is very improbable that
they would demand or expect such a thing from this man, whom they saw
bent so much upon expedition.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
i.e. Understand her mind by her words, not so much concerning the
marriage itself, in which she resigned up herself to the disposal of
her parents and friends, and to which she had given an implicit
consent by her acceptance of those presents which were made to her for
that end, as concerning the ha... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
HER NURSE was _Deborah, _ by comparing GENESIS 35:8. In this corrupt
family, the mother and the nurse are two distinct persons; but in
Abraham's pious family there was no such principle or practice. See
GENESIS 21:7.... [ Continue Reading ]
THOU ART OUR SISTER, i.e. our near kinswoman; distance of place shall
not alienate our affections from thee, but we shall still own thee as
our sister, and, as far as we can, be ready to perform all the duties
of brethren to thee.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
In the southern parts of Canaan, as GENESIS 12:9, at Beer-sheba,
whither it seems, Abraham returned after Sarah's death.... [ Continue Reading ]
TO MEDITATE; to converse with God, and with himself, by pious and
profitable thoughts and ejaculations, and fervent prayers, as for
other things, so particularly for God's blessing upon this great
affair, and so his prayers are eminently answered. He chooseth a
solitary place, wherein he might more... [ Continue Reading ]
As a testimony of her respect to him, whom by the servant she
understood to be her lord and husband. Compare JOSHUA 15:18 1 SAMUEL
25:23.... [ Continue Reading ]
In token of modesty, reverence, and subjection. See GENESIS 20:16 1
CORINTHIANS 11:10.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
possession of it, and partly to consummate the marriage. Women then
had their tents apart from men. See GENESIS 18:10, GENESIS 24:67
whereof he yet had retained,... [ Continue Reading ]