Genesis 25:1

GENESIS CHAPTER 25 Abraham's sons by Keturah, GENESIS 25:1. Isaac inherits his father's estate, GENESIS 25:5. Provision for the other sons, GENESIS 25:6. Abraham's age, GENESIS 25:7; death, GENESIS 25:8; burial, GENESIS 25:9,10. God blesseth Isaac, GENESIS 25:11. The posterity of Ishmael,... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 25:2

QUEST. How could Abraham, being now about one hundred and forty years old, have so many children, when his body was dead in his hundredth year? ANSW. Because that renewed strength which was miraculously conferred upon him, did still in a great measure remain in him, being not a temporary action, but... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 25:5

Which before he purposed and promised to give, GENESIS 24:36, and now actually gave; except that which is excepted in GENESIS 25:6, and except the use and enjoyment of his estate during his own life.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 25:6

THE CONCUBINES, Hagar and Keturah. Concubines are sometimes called _wives, _ as GENESIS 16:3 JUDGES 19:1, but their children had no right to the inheritance. For though the children of Jacob's concubines did equally partake of the inheritance with the other children, that was done by Divine appointm... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 25:8

His soul was not _required_ of him, as it was of that fool, LUKE 12:20; not forced from him by sharp and violent diseases, but was quietly, easily, and cheerfully yielded up by him into the hands of his merciful God and Father, as the word intimates, _in a good old age; _ good, both graciously, his... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 25:9

Ishmael, though banished from his father's house, lived in a place not very far from him; and as no doubt he received many favours from his father after his departure, which is implied here, GENESIS 25:6, though it be not mentioned elsewhere; so it is probable that he had a true respect and affectio... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 25:12

They are here recorded as an evidence of God's faithfulness in fulfilling his promise made to Abraham, GENESIS 16:10, GENESIS 17:20. _cir. 1800_... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 25:13

NEBAJOTH; of whom see ISAIAH 60:7. From whom part of Arabia was called Nabathaea. Of KEDAR, see PSALMS 120:5 ISAIAH 21:16 JEREMIAH 49:28; the father of those called Cedraei, or Cedareni, in Arabia.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 25:14

DUMAH; from him Dumah, ISAIAH 21:11, or Dumatha, a place in Arabia, seems to have recieved its name. Others make him the father of the Idumeans.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 25:15

TEMA gave his name to the city and country of Tema, or Teman, JOB 2:11, JOB 6:19 JEREMIAH 25:23. JETUR, the father of the Itureans, as may be gathered from 1 CHRONICLES 5:19.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 25:18

BEFORE EGYPT, AS THOU GOEST TOWARD ASSYRIA, i.e. on that part or side of Egypt which leads to Assyria. HE DIED IN THE PRESENCE OF ALL HIS BRETHREN; his brethren surviving him, and being his neighbours, and therefore as they had conversation with him in the time of his life, so now they did him honou... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 25:20

BETHUEL THE SYRIAN OF PADAN-ARAM; either of _the country of Syria, _ as it is called, HOSEA 12:12; or rather, _Padan_ of _Syria; _ or, as the Septuagint and Chaldee render it, _Mesopotamia_ of _Syria._ For that _Parian_ is the proper name of a place, may be gathered from GENESIS 48:7, and it is so c... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 25:21

_ 1838_ He prayed, as the Hebrew word signifies, instantly or fervently, frequently and continually, for near twenty years together; for so long, it was between their marriage and the first child. He was so much concerned, because not only his comfort, but the truth of God's promise, depended upon t... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 25:22

THE CHILDREN STRUGGLED, in a violent and extraordinary manner, which was likely to cause both pain and fear in her. The sense may be either, 1. If it be THUS with me, that there be two children contending and fighting within me, likely to destroy one the other, and both threatening my death, _why d... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 25:23

THE LORD spoke, either by inward inspiration, in a dream or vision; or by the ministry of an angel or prophet. TWO NATIONS, i.e. the roots, heads, or parents of two distinct nations, one opposite to the other; the one blessed, the other cursed, namely, the Israelites and Edomites. SHALL BE SEPARATED... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 25:25

RED; with red hair upon all the parts of his body. From him the Red Sea is supposed to receive its name, it being so called, as the heathen writers tell us, from one who reigned in those parts, and was called Erythras, or Erythrus, which signifies _red, _ the same with Edom or Esau. ESAU, i.e. _made... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 25:26

_ 1837_ JACOB, i.e. _supplanter, _ or one that taketh hold of or trippeth up his brother's heels. See GENESIS 27:36. ISAAC WAS THREESCORE YEARS OLD. Thus God exercised his faith and patience twenty years, by comparing this with GENESIS 25:20, ere he gave him the promised blessing.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 25:27

ESAU WAS A HUNTER of wild beasts, and afterwards an oppressor of men. Compare GENESIS 10:9. This course of life was most agreeable to his complexion, fierce and violent. A MAN OF THE FIELD; one that delighted more in conversing abroad than at home, whose employment it was to pursue the beasts throug... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 25:28

ISAAC LOVED ESAU, not simply nor chiefly because he pleased his palate, but because this was an evidence of his son's great respect and affection to him, that he would take such pains and incur such hazards to which that course of life exposed him, that he might please and serve his father. BUT REBE... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 25:30

RED POTTAGE; red by the infusion of lentiles, or saffron, or some other things of that colour. The word is doubled in the Hebrew text, to show how vehemently he desired it. EDOM, which signifies _red; _ as he was at first so called from the colour of his hair, so now that name was confirmed and give... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 25:31

_ 1805_ i.e. Speedily, without delay. So this Hebrew word is used 1 SAMUEL 2:16, 1 SAMUEL 9:13,27 2 CHRONICLES 18:4. The birthright then had divers singular privileges; as, 1. Dignity and authority over his brethren, GENESIS 4:7, GENESIS 27:29,37 49:3. 2. A double portion, DEUTERONOMY 21:17 1 CHRO... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 25:32

I AM AT THE POINT TO DIE; not with famine, which could not consist with Isaac's plentiful estate and house, but by the perpetual hazards to which his course of life exposed him in the pursuit of wild beasts, and contending with other men. WHAT PROFIT SHALL THIS BIRTHRIGHT DO TO ME? by which he plain... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 25:33

Jacob acted subtlely in this affair; he knew that delays were dangerous; and Esau's consideration, or second thoughts, might have spoiled his bargain, and therefore he requires haste, as in the sale, so in his oath; wherein he addeth another sin, in hurrying his brother into an oath by precipitation... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 25:34

Secure and impenitent, without any remorse for his ingratitude to God, or the injury which he had done to himself and to all his posterity, HE WENT HIS WAY, DESPISING HIS BIRTHRIGHT, preferring the present and momentary satisfaction of his lust and appetite before God's and his father's blessing, an... [ Continue Reading ]

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