1805 i.e. Speedily, without delay. So this Hebrew word is used 1 Samuel 2:16, 1 Samuel 9:13,27 2 Chronicles 18:4. The birthright then had divers singular privileges; as,

1. Dignity and authority over his brethren, Genesis 4:7, Genesis 27:29,37 49:3.

2. A double portion, Deuteronomy 21:17 1 Chronicles 5:1.

3. A special blessing from his father, Genesis 27:4.

4. The priesthood and chief government of the affairs of the church in his father's absence, or sickness, and after his death, Numbers 8:16,17, &c.

5. The first-born was a special type, both of Christ, who was to be a first-born; and of the church, which is called God's first-born, as Exodus 4:22; and of the great privileges of the church, particularly of adoption and eternal life. See Hebrews 12:23. And therefore he is justly called profane, Hebrews 12:16, for slighting so sacred and glorious a privilege. Quest.

1. Could the birthright be lost? Answ. Yes. See Genesis 4:7 1 Chronicles 5:1. Quest.

2. Did Jacob well in this matter? Answ. No; because he tempted his brother to an act of profaneness and folly, and so was guilty of his sin. And though God had designed and promised this privilege to him, yet he should have waited till God had executed his promise in his own way, as David did till God gave him possession of Saul's kingdom; and not have anticipated God, and snatched it by an irregular act of his own, as Jeroboam did the kingdom from Rehoboam.

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