Genesis 28:1

GENESIS CHAPTER 28 Isaac calls Jacob; charges him not to marry a Canaanite, but one of his kindred in Padan-aram, GENESIS 28:1,2; confirms the blessing to him, GENESIS 28:3,4. Jacob obeys his father, and goes to Laban, GENESIS 28:5. Esau perceiving this, marries one of his kindred, but of Ishmael's... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 28:5

BETHUEL THE SYRIAN. OBJECT. He was no Syrian, but a Mesopotamian. ANSW. Syria is sometimes largely taken, and so it comprehends Mesopotamia, or Chaldea, yea, and Assyria, as appears from ISAIAH 36:11 DANIEL 2:4.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 28:9

_ 1760_ ESAU WENT UNTO ISHMAEL; either to his person, or rather to his family, called Ishmael by their father's name, as David is sometimes put for David's posterity; for Ishmael seems to have been dead before this, from GENESIS 25:17, though that may possibly be a prolepsis, and then this may be Is... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 28:10

It is not strange that Jacob went alone, as it appears that he did from GENESIS 32:10, when his grandfather's servant was attended with a so great retinue, GENESIS 24:1, because attendance was then necessary to procure him reputation, and to obtain the consent of the virgin and her parents to long a... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 28:12

This ladder may be considered, either, 1. Literally, and so it represented to Jacob the providence of God, who, though he dwell in heaven, extends his care and government to the earth, and particularly makes use of the angels as ministering spirits for the good of his people. And these angels do no... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 28:15

Nor ever after; for so the word _until_ is frequently used, as 2 SAMUEL 6:23 MATTHEW 1:25; not so as to exclude the time following, but so as to include all the foregoing time, wherein the thing spoken of might be most suspected or feared; as here the worst and most dangerous state in which Jacob wa... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 28:16

SURELY THE LORD IS IN THIS PLACE, by his special and gracious presence, and the manifestation of his mind and will to me; and I little expected to meet with such a revelation out of my father's house, much less in this desert and doleful state and place, when I thought myself rejected by God, as wel... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 28:17

HOW DREADFUL IS THIS PLACE, or _venerable, _ both for the majesty of the Person present, and for the glorious manner of his discovery of himself! THE HOUSE OF GOD; the habitation of God and of his holy angels.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 28:18

As a monument of God's great kindness and gracious manifestation of himself to him, which might bring this mercy to his remembrance in his return, GENESIS 31:13. This was an ancient practice among the patriarchs, GENESIS 35:14; but afterwards, upon the growing abuse of it among the heathens, it was... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 28:19

Either of that city which was nearest to the field in which Jacob lay; or of that city which afterwards was built in or near to this place, and was known by the name of BETHEL.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 28:20

JACOB VOWED A VOW, i.e. bound himself by a solemn promise or obligation. Compare GENESIS 14:22 ECCLESIASTES 5:4. IF GOD WILL BE WITH ME. He speaks not thus as if he doubted of the truth of God's promises, or would, like a mercenary person, make a bargain with God, but rather supposeth that God will... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 28:22

GOD'S HOUSE, i.e. a place where I will offer prayers and sacrifices to God; such places being commonly called God's houses, and God is oft said to dwell in them, in regard of his special presence there. See EXODUS 20:24. Compare GENESIS 28:17, and GENESIS 35:1,3,7. I WILL SURELY GIVE THE TENTH UNTO... [ Continue Reading ]

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