He bought a parcel of a field for his present possession and use; for the right which he had to it was only in reversion after the time that God had allotted for it. The children of Hamor, i.e. subjects, called his children to note the duty which they owed to him, and the care and affection that he owed to them. Compare Numbers 11:12. An hundred pieces of money. The word is used only here, and Joshua 24:32 Job 42:11, and it may signify either lambs, given in way of exchange for it, or pieces of money, which seems more probable, both by comparing Acts 7:16, and because money was come into use in that place and time, Genesis 17:12,13 Genesis 23:16 47:16, which were called lambs possibly from the fignre of a lamb stamped upon it, as the Athenian money was called an ox for the like reason, and as we call a piece of gold a Jacobus, because the picture of that king is upon it.

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