Genesis 37:1

GENESIS CHAPTER 37 Jacob dwells in Canaan: Joseph brings to his father an ill report of his brethren, GENESIS 37:2. He loves, they hate him, GENESIS 37:3,4; the more because of his dreams which he told them, GENESIS 37:5. His first dream, GENESIS 37:7. His brethren interpret it, and their hatred inc... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 37:2

THE GENERATIONS, i.e. the events or occurrences which happened to Jacob in his family and issue. So that word is used GENESIS 6:9 NUMBERS 3:1. Or the word THESE may relate to what is said GENESIS 35:22, &c. The genealogy of Esau being brought in by way of parenthesis, and that being finished, Moses... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 37:3

HE WAS THE SON OF HIS OLD AGE, being born when Jacob was ninety-one years old. Such children are commonly best beloved by their parents, either because such are a singular blessing of God, and a more than common testimony of his favour, and a mercy least expected by them, and therefore most prized;... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 37:4

Their hatred was so deep and keen, that they could not smother it, as for their own interest they should have done, but discovered it by their churlish words and carriages to him.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 37:5

The DREAM it is probable he did not understand, for then he would never have told it to them, who, as he knew very well, were likely to make an evil construction and use of it.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 37:7

WE WERE BINDING SHEAVES IN THE FIELD; a secret insinuation of the occasion of Joseph's advancement, which was from his counsel and care about the corn of Egypt. YOUR SHEAVES STOOD ROUND ABOUT; this was a posture of ministry and service, as is manifest both from Scripture and from common usage.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 37:9

HE DREAMED ANOTHER DREAM, that the repetition of the same thing in another shape might teach them that the thing was both certain and very observable. THE SUN AND THE MOON were not mentioned in the first dream, because in the event his brethren only went at first to Egypt and there worshipped him, a... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 37:10

HIS FATHER REBUKED HIM; not through anger at Joseph, or contempt of his dream, for it follows, he _observed it; _ but partly lest Joseph should be puffed up upon the account of his dreams, and principally to allay the envy and hatred of his brethren. THY MOTHER: either, 1. Rachel, who was now dead,... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 37:11

The words of Joseph; or the thing, the dream which he told; well knowing that God did frequently at that time signify his mind by dreams, and perceiving something singular and extraordinary in this dream, and especially in the doubling of it.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 37:12

In the parts adjoining to _Shechem, _ in the lands which he had purchased there, GENESIS 33:19. Let none think strange that he should send his sheep so far from him, both because that land was his own, and because his sheep being exceeding numerous, and he but a stranger in the land, was likely to b... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 37:13

_ 1729_ Having kept him for some time at home, and supposing that length of time had cooled their heats, and worn out their hatred, he now sends him to them.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 37:19

Heb. THIS MASTER OF DREAMS, this crafty dreamer, that covers his own ambitious designs and desires with pretences or fictions of dreams.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 37:20

CAST HIM INTO SOME PIT; partly, as unworthy of burial; partly, to cover their villanous action; and partly, that they might quickly put him out of their sight and minds. SOME EVIL BEAST HATH DEVOURED HIM, there being great store of such creatures in those parts. See 1 KINGS 13:24 2 KINGS 2:24.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 37:21

He DELIVERED HIM, as to the violent and certain despatch of his life which was intended. Or the act is here put for the purpose and endeavour of doing it, in which sense Balak is said to _fight against Israel,_ JOSHUA 24:9, and Abraham to _offer up Isaac,_ HEBREWS 11:17. So here, he _delivered him,... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 37:25

THEY SAT DOWN TO EAT BREAD, to refresh themselves, their consciences being stupified, and their hearts hardened against their brother, notwithstanding all his most passionate entreaties to them, GENESIS 42:21. ISHMEELITES; the posterity of Ishmael. See GENESIS 25:18. GILEAD, a famous place for balm,... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 37:26

If we suffer him to perish in the pit, when we may sell him with advantage, AND CONCEAL HIS BLOOD, i.e. his death, as the word _blood_ is often used. See DEUTERONOMY 17:8 2 SAMUEL 1:16, 2 SAMUEL 3:28.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 37:28

This story seems a little involved, and the persons to whom he was sold doubtful. Here seem to be two, if not three, sorts of merchants mentioned, ISHMEELITES and MIDIANITES here, and _Medanites, _ as it is in the Hebrew, GENESIS 37:36, which were a distinct people from the Midianites, as descended... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 37:29

REUBEN RETURNED UNTO THE PIT, that, according to his brethren's order, GENESIS 37:27, he might take him thence and sell him. HE RENT HIS CLOTHES, as the manner was upon doleful occurrences. See below, GENESIS 37:34 NUMBERS 14:6 EZRA 9:3 JOB 1:20, JOB 2:12.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 37:30

He calls him THE CHILD comparatively to his brethren, though he was seventeen years old, GENESIS 37:2. THE CHILD IS NOT, i.e. is not in the land of the living, or is dead, as that phrase is commonly used, as GENESIS 42:13,36, compared with GENESIS 44:20 JOB 7:21 JEREMIAH 31:15 LAMENTATIONS 5:7 MATTH... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 37:34

SACKCLOTH, i.e. a coarse and mournful habit. This is the first example of that kind, but afterwards was in common use upon these occasions. See 2 SAMUEL 3:31 1 KINGS 20:31, 1 KINGS 21:27, &c.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 37:35

ALL HIS DAUGHTERS; Dinah, and his daughters-in-law, and his sons daughters. THE GRAVE; this Hebrew word _sheol_ is taken sometimes for hell, as JOB 11:8 PROVERBS 15:11, but most commonly for the grave, or the place or state of the dead, as GENESIS 42:38, GENESIS 44:29,31 PSA 6:5 16:10, &c. And wheth... [ Continue Reading ]

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