GENESIS CHAPTER 37 Jacob dwells in Canaan: Joseph brings to his father an ill report of his brethren, Genesis 37:2. He loves, they hate him, Genesis 37:3,4; the more because of his dreams which he told them, Genesis 37:5. His first dream, Genesis 37:7. His brethren interpret it, and their hatred increases, Genesis 37:8. His second dream, Genesis 37:9. Tells it to his father, who rebukes him, but observes his saying, Genesis 37:10,11. He is sent by his father to seek after his brethren, Genesis 37:13. They seeing him, conspire his death, Genesis 37:18. But upon the intercession of Reuben they strip and throw him into a pit, Genesis 37:21. Some Ishmeelites passing by, by Judah's advice they sell him to them, who carry him into Egypt, Genesis 37:25. Reuben is concerned for him, Genesis 37:29,30. Their contrivance to deceive Jacob, Genesis 37:31,32. His grief for the loss of Joseph, Genesis 37:33. Joseph sold to Potiphar, an officer in Egypt, Genesis 37:36. 1729 No text from Poole on this verse.

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