He dreamed another dream, that the repetition of the same thing in another shape might teach them that the thing was both certain and very observable. The sun and the moon were not mentioned in the first dream, because in the event his brethren only went at first to Egypt and there worshipped him, as afterwards his father went with them. Object. His father did not worship him in Egypt. Answ.

1. He did worship him mediately by his sons, who in their father's name and stead bowed before him, and by the presents which he sent as testimonies of that respect which he owed to him.

2. It is probable that Jacob did, before the Egyptians, pay that reverence to his son which all the rest did, and which was due to the dignity of his place. As the Roman consul was commended by his father for requiring him to alight from his horse, as the rest did, when he met him upon the way.

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