Genesis 40:1

GENESIS CHAPTER 40 Pharaoh's chief butler and baker are put into prison, and committed to Joseph, GENESIS 40:1. They dream, and are sad, GENESIS 40:5,6. He asks the reason, GENESIS 40:7. Their answer, and Joseph's reply, GENESIS 40:8. The chief butler tells his dream, GENESIS 40:9. Joseph interprets... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 40:3

THE CAPTAIN OF THE GUARD, to wit, Potiphar, GENESIS 37:36, who being informed by his underkeeper of Joseph's great care and faithfulness, began to have a better opinion of him, though for his own quiet, and his wife's reputation, he left him still in the prison. WHERE JOSEPH WAS BOUND; was a prisone... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 40:5

_ 1718_ i.e. Not a vain and idle dream, but one that had in it a signification of future things, and needed interpretation; and the several dreams were proper and agreeable to the several events which befell them, and to the several interpretations which Joseph put upon them: the dream and interpret... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 40:6

Perplexed and terrified both, because they perceived the dream was extraordinary and sent from God; compare GENESIS 41:8 DANIEL 2:1 MATTHEW 27:19; and because they understood not the meaning of it.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 40:8

THERE IS NO INTERPRETER OF IT, to wit, with us, or to whom we can now resort; for otherwise there were many in Egypt of that profession, GENESIS 41:8. DO NOT INTERPRETATIONS BELONG TO GOD? In vain do you expect such things from your wise men, for it is only that God who sends these dreams that can i... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 40:12

i.e. Signify THREE DAYS. So that word is oft used, as GENESIS 40:18, GENESIS 41:26,27 DA 2:38 4:22 MATTHEW 13:19,38 MATTHEW 26:26,28 LU 8:11 1 CORINTHIANS 10:4. And indeed there is no proper Hebrew word which answers to _signify._... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 40:13

LIFT UP THINE HEAD, i.e. advance thee to thy former dignity. So that phrase is used 2 KINGS 25:27 PSALMS 110:7. Or, _reckon thy head, _ i.e. thy name or thy person, to wit, _among his servants, _ which is added, GENESIS 40:20. According to the custom, which was this: at set times governors of famili... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 40:15

I WAS STOLEN AWAY, taken away by force and fraud, without my own or father's consent, out of the land of Canaan, which he might call _the land of the Hebrews, _ either because they now dwelt in it, or by way of protestation of their right and claim to it by God's gift. Or rather thus, out of that pa... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 40:16

WHITE BASKETS; so called from the colour, either of the baskets, which were made of pilled, and so white twigs, or of the things contained in them, as white bread, &c.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 40:19

FROM OFF THEE. This clause is industriously added here to the former phrase, to show that it was now meant in another sense. He _shall_ indeed _lift up thy head, _ as well as the chief butler s, but in another manner, not for time, but FROM THEE, or so as to take away thy head or thy life (which emi... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 40:20

PHARAOH'S BIRTHDAY. Birth-days by persons of eminency then were, and since have usually been, celebrated with feasting and rejoicing.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 40:23

i.e. Neglected him and his desire; as men in Scripture are oft said to _forget God, _ when they do not remember him so as to love and obey him, as PSALMS 106:13,21 HO 2:13.... [ Continue Reading ]

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