Genesis 5:1

GENESIS CHAPTER 5 _4004_ The manner of man's creation repeated, GENESIS 5:1. The genealogy, age, and death of the fathers from Adam to Noah, in the line of Seth. Seth begotten of Adam after his image, GENESIS 5:3. The piety and translation of Enoch, GENESIS 5:24. Lamech's prophecy of his son Noah, G... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 5:2

See GENESIS 1:26 MATTHEW 19:4 MARK 10:6. He BLESSED THEM with power to propagate their kind, and with other blessings. See GENESIS 1:28. CALLED THEIR NAME ADAM; which name is given both to every man, as GENESIS 9:6 PSALMS 49:20, and to the first man, as GENESIS 2:23, and to the whole kind, both the... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 5:3

_ 3874_ ADAM LIVED AN HUNDRED AND THIRTY YEARS after he was created, in which time he begat other sons and daughters, as appears from what was said before. AFTER HIS IMAGE; either, 1. In regard of the natural frame of his body and soul; but this was so evident of itself, that the mention of it had... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 5:4

Whose names and numbers are here passed over in silence, as not belonging to the genealogy of Christ, nor to the following history.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 5:5

The long lives of men in ancient times, here noted, are also mentioned by heathen authors; and it was wisely so ordered by God, both for the more plentiful increase of mankind in the first age of the world, and for the more effectual propagation of true religion and other useful knowledge to the wor... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 5:21

Whose name is thought by some learned men to contain a prophecy of the flood, which was to come a thousand years after; for it signifies: _He dies, and the dart_ or _arrow_ of God's vengeance comes; or, _He dies, and the sending forth_ of the waters comes.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 5:22

i.e. He lived as one whose eye was continually upon God; whose care and constant course and business it was to please God, and to imitate him, and to maintain acquaintance and communion with him; as one devoted to God's service, and wholly governed by his will. He walked not with the men of that wic... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 5:24

i.e. He appeared not any longer upon earth, or amongst mortal men. The same phrase is in GENESIS 42:36 JEREMIAH 31:15. FOR GOD TOOK HIM out of this sinful and miserable world unto himself, and to his heavenly habitation: see LUKE 23:43. And he took either his soul, of which alone this phrase is used... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 5:27

This was the longest time that any man lived. But it is observable that neither his nor any of the patriarch's lives reached to a thousand years, which number hath some shadow of perfection. HE DIED but a little before the flood came, being taken away from the evil to come.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 5:29

AND HE CALLED HIS NAME NOAH, which signifies rest, SAYING, by the Spirit of prophecy: THIS SAME SHALL COMFORT US, concerning the hard labour and manifold troubles to which we are sentenced, GENESIS 3:19. _2948_ And this he did either, 1. By the invention of instruments of husbandry, whereby tillage... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 5:32

_ 2448_ i.e. He began to beget; God in mercy denying him children till that time, that he might not beget them to the destroyer, that he might have no more than should be saved in the ark; or, having before that time begotten others who were now dead, and having the approaching flood in his view, he... [ Continue Reading ]

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