Genesis 9:1

GENESIS CHAPTER 9 God renews his blessing, GENESIS 9:1, and confirms our dominion over the creatures, GENESIS 9:2. Grants flesh for food, but with the blood forbids it, GENESIS 9:3. The penalty of murder, GENESIS 9:5. God repeats his blessing, GENESIS 9:7. His covenant with Noah and all his creature... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 9:2

Before they loved and reverenced you as lords and friends, now they shall dread you as enemies and tyrants. INTO YOUR HAND ARE THEY DELIVERED, for your use and service. I restore you in part to that dominion over them which you for your sins have forfeited.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 9:3

EVERY MOVING THING which is wholesome and fit for food, and clean; an exception to be gathered both from the nature of the thing, and from the distinction of clean and unclean beasts, mentioned before and afterwards. THAT LIVETH. This is added to exclude the use of those creatures which either died... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 9:4

WITH THE LIFE THEREOF, i.e. whilst it lives, or taken from the creature before it be quite dead; which was an ancient practice, and an effect either of luxury or cruelty. WHICH IS THE BLOOD THEREOF, i.e. which life or soul hath its seat in and its support from the blood, and the spirits contained in... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 9:5

AND; or, _for, _ as the particle is oft taken; this being the reason of the foregoing prohibition. OF YOUR LIVES; or, _of your souls, _ i.e. of your persons; the word _soul_ being oft put for _person._ Or, _your blood, _ which is _for your lives, _ i.e. which by the spirits it generates is the great... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 9:6

WHOSO SHEDDETH MAN'S BLOOD, wilfully and unwarrantably. For there is a double exception to this law: 1. Of casual murder, expressed NUMBERS 35:31 DEUTERONOMY 19:4. 2. Of death inflicted by the hand of the magistrate for crimes deserving it, mentioned in the following words, and elsewhere. BY MAN, i... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 9:7

i.e. As for you, I do not repent of that former blessing I gave to your parents, GENESIS 1:28, but do hereby renew it to you, and your seed after you.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 9:9

i.e. My promise, for the beasts included in this covenant, GENESIS 9:10, are not capable of a covenant properly so called. And the word COVENANT is oft used for a simple promise, as we shall see hereafter. WITH YOUR SEED, i.e. your posterity, as that word is frequently taken, as GENESIS 12:7 EXODUS... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 9:11

i.e. A universal deluge; for particular inundations there have been, whereby towns and countries have been overwhelmed with all their inhabitants.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 9:12

THIS IS THE TOKEN, i.e. the bow mentioned in GENESIS 9:13, I appoint to you for a sensible sign and evidence, to assure you that I shall perform this covenant or promise.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 9:13

I DO SET MY BOW; Heb. _I have given, _ i.e. I will from time to time give and place. God calleth it _his bow, _ partly because it was his workmanship, and chiefly because it was his pledge, and the seal of his promise. IN THE CLOUD, a proper seat for it; that they might now fetch an argument of fait... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 9:16

i.e. This covenant made with all succeeding generations of men and beasts. This and the like speeches are oft ascribed to God after the manner of men, who being forgetful, need helps for their memory.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 9:17

The same thing is so oft repeated for the strengthening of the faith of all men, and especially of Noah and his sons, whom the remembrance of that dreadful deluge, which they had experience of, had made exceeding prone to fears of the like for time to come.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 9:19

A truth which the old heathens were not ignorant of, though they changed the names, and mixed their fables with it; for they tell us that Saturn and his three sons divided the world among themselves. And it is apparent that their Saturn was no other than our Noah, because they tell us he was the com... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 9:20

i.e. Was a husbandman, as he had been before. The verb _to begin_ doth oft abound, and is applied to him that continueth or repeateth an action begun before. Thus Christ is said to _begin to cast out,_ MARK 11:15, and _to begin to speak,_ LUKE 12:1; for which in the parallel places he is said only _... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 9:21

Either through ignorance and inexperience of the nature and strength of that liquor, or through the infirmity of the flesh, which was tempted by its great and, to him, new pleasantness, and by the refreshment he found in it under the weary labours of his body, and the sad thoughts of his mind, for t... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 9:22

The grown age of Ham was a great aggravation of this sin. THE FATHER OF CANAAN: this is here added as a reason of Canaan's curse, GENESIS 9:25. THE NAKEDNESS, i.e. the secret parts, oft so called, as LEVITICUS 18:1, and elsewhere, AND TOLD HIS TWO BRETHREN WITHOUT, who were then without the house or... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 9:24

NOAH AWOKE FROM HIS WINE, from his drunkenness, or from his sleep, the effect of it, AND KNEW, either by the information of his sons, or by Divine inspiration, WHAT HIS YOUNGER SON HAD DONE UNTO HIM; or, _his little son, _ either Ham, mentioned GENESIS 9:22, or Canaan, mentioned in GENESIS 9:25; by... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 9:25

AND HE SAID, not from the passion of revenge, but by Divine inspiration, and the Spirit of prophecy, CURSED BE CANAAN; hateful to God, abhorred by men, miserable in his person and posterity. QUEST. Seeing Ham committed the crime, why is the curse inflicted upon his son Canaan? ANSW. 1. When Canaan... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 9:26

BLESSED BE THE LORD GOD OF SHEM. QUEST. What is this to Shem? For it is not Shem, but God who is here blessed. ANSW. 1. Shem also is here blessed, and that in the highest degree, because the Lord hath here declared himself to be Shem's God. Now for God to be said to be any man's God, is every where... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 9:27

GOD SHALL ENLARGE JAPHETH; or, _enlarge to Japheth._ Understand here _his place, _ as GENESIS 26:22 PSALMS 4:1, or _his border; _ which was very literally made good to him, because he had a very numerous posterity; and by them he possessed the largest part of the world, even all Europe, a great part... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 9:28

Which reacheth to the fifty-eighth year of Abraham's age, as the Jews note. And so we have a manifest account of the propagation of religion, from the beginning of the world to this day. Noah received it from his parents, who had the account of it from their first father Adam's own mouth, and transm... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 9:29

_ 1998_ Here is an omission of that solemn clause used in all the preceding generations, _and he begat sons and daughters; _ which implies that Noah had no more than these three sons, which also appears from GENESIS 9:19.... [ Continue Reading ]

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