Their horses also are swifter; they will be sooner upon you than you think, and when once among you, they will be swifter than you can flee from, Isaiah 30:16 Lamentations 4:19. Than the leopards; a fierce creature, ravenous as the lion, and much swifter, a watchful and sly beast, from which it is very hard to shift. More fierce, more eager after, and more cruel to the prey, than the evening wolves; which with long fasting in the day, do come out in the evening more fierce on every thing that may be a prey for them: see Jeremiah 5:6 Ezekiel 22:27 Zephaniah 3:3. Their horsemen; excellent riders, that can manage the speed and fierceness of these horses. Shall spread themselves all over the land, so many shall they be, and so active, and all strong and hale, as some think the word implieth. Shall come from far; as far from liking your customs, pitying your persons, or understanding your language, as they are far remote from your country; men that will make you pay the charge of their long and tedious journey. They shall fly as the eagle; lest you should dream of escape by flight, your enemies (O miserable Jews) shall be so swift, you will think they flew on wings, on eagle's wings, the swiftest of flight, and quickest in espying her prey. That hasteth to eat; hunger makes her flight the quicker, and her seizure of the prey more bold and daring, Job 9:26 Ezekiel 17:3: so shall your enemies be to you.

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